Side Story: A Dead Man Rising

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Walter POV:

Our gang did some experimentation with the Game's system and I'm glad that everything gave information. At least now I know the right steps to take on what we need to do and how we grow correctly.

I even learned that most of the skills that we learn also changes the way we think, which is kind of scary but it also includes things like Evan's Pain immunity and some other skills like Sword Mastery that also teaches how to use a sword. Everything would've reaped much more benefits if it wasn't for Evan just screwing everything and making hundreds of his own clones like Naruto.

Evan said that his clone back home must've disappeared so we're all heading back.

[Tho, you guys have to admit how awesome that was awesome.] (Evan)

[I Thought I was gonna die. It looked like a scene from Hell.] (Aisha)

[I'm with Aisha.] (Terra)

[Don't be overdramatic.] (Me)

[Yeah, especially since I'm not from Hell.] (Evan)

Suddenly, Evan stopped dead in his tracks.

[What's wrong?] (Terra)

[You guys weren't notified?] (Me)

I raised my eyebrows.

[Of what?] (Me)

Evan just made a huge smile.

[A traveling merchant has Arrived!] (Evan)

We all stopped dead in our track as we comprehended what Evan just said.

And then like an arrow shot from a bow, we all Ran towards Evan's House.

We weren't we all notified for this? I don't care, neither do the others. All we care about is meeting the Merchant and taking a look at his wares. This is because the Travelling merchant is the only type of NPC that doesn't sell crap and only somedays visits you.

I kept chanting the words "Please have a Revolver." in my mind and that's because i don't know how to use a bow and the gun I have right now sucks.

Just seconds later. The Guide also is known as Jeff was standing near the entrance door guarding the entrance.

[Hello, Mast-] (Jeff)

We didn't even care about what he was trying to say as we zoomed past him into the house.

We all went up a floor and there he was, walking through the corridor. Wearing a white shirt underneath a purple robe, brown pants, a purple top hat with a feather stuck into it. He looks Asian and around 30 years old.

He looked at us and tipped his top hat.

[Hello, My name's Willy a pleasure to meet you all.] (Willy)

[Show me Your Wares!] (Aisha, Walter & Terra)

A window popped open in my vision.

He had Pad Thai, Dynasty wood, Fancy dishes, A suit of Gi, A stopwatch And there it was. The Revolver.

I got really happy until I realized that the revolver cost 10 Gold coins and my wallet was empty.

[How much many do you all have?] (Me)

[I got 5.] (Aisha)

[I got 3.] (Terra)

[Then that means.....] (Me)

We all looked back towards Evan who was holding a couple of gold coins between his fingers and fanning his face with it.

[It smells like Broke in here.] (Evan)

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