Chapter 88 (Corruption Problems)

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First of all, Sorry for the extremely late update, I was uhh, Busy... With Stuff. (Totally not games)

But still, I'm not joking when I said that I'm busy, the updates are probably gonna be slow for this or the next month. Sorry for the inconvenience. :(

Anywho, I'm usually active on my discord server and would be even more happier if more people join. :D

More info in my Profile's conversation tab!

I'm looking forward to meeting y'all! :D



Evan POV

[Alright, Take care!] (Terra)

Terra went off running towards the ruined castle and I was charged to take care of the others.

While waiting I started chatting with the others because I wanted to see if they knew about the Eater of Worlds(EOW) spawning and also to see what they were up to.

Walter had just woken up from a nap some time ago. He said that he didn't actually receive any message about the EOW spawning. he had also found some books that will help him grow stronger so he's on the right path at the moment. he's gonna stay there at the kingdom for the time being and train, maybe mine for resources and whatnot.

I started messaging Aisha now. She also didn't get any notification about the EOW spawning so this much at least tells me that we need to be closer to the boss when they spawn to be notified.

Aside from that, I don't trust Aisha but she said that she was taking care of Faith and Hope. She's probably lying on the hammock or something but one thing she did that made me really furious.


Aisha POV

I'm here sitting in the guest room with Helputt, Sord, and Nezha. Faith and Hope were also here, Hope on my lap while Faith was playing around with Sord. Evan's supposed father.

I quietly whispered onto Hope's ear.

[Hey there, honey bun. Why don't you also play with your grandfather?] (Me)

Hope got a little bit dejected.

[I don't feel like playing.] (Hope)

Hope hasn't been good with others after the incident when the cultists tried to kidnap them. If i remember correctly Faith has knocked out from the beginning but Hope didn't.

Is she having trust issues? That can't be good. Us four have to leave this world sooner or later which would mean leaving the kids alone with others over here. I really do hope she can get along.

while I was distracted, thinking about the future. Sord asked me a question that my brain chose to ignore. Not exactly ignore but those time where your brain automatically starts doing things? my brain does that when I'm daydreaming.

[So, where did Reid actually go to? It's been quite a while.] (Sord)

[He left for the Corruption so it would obviously take some time.] (Me)

I turned my eyes back to Hope who was looking up to me curiously.

[Mama?] (Hope)

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