Chapter 35 (A Mother's Determination and a Family)

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Tifa POV:

I Closed my eyes, gritted my Teeth and Forcefully Opened the door.  

My mind Blanked. I couldn't think of anything.

My mom was sitting on a chair and I saw her crying and being consoled by Evan's Mom.

Tania the Dryad was also there...... she was facing the wall.

Mom saw me, Stood up and had a huge smile on.

[Tifa!] (Mom)

She moved towards me quickly but I instinctively moved back.

She noticed my movement and stopped.

[Tifa... I'm so Sorry. I know its all my fault. I should have at least told you about this... But I Couldn't.] (Mom)

Evan's mom quickly moved towards me and I instinctively placed my hands in front of my face to block.....

She moved past me.

[I'll leave now. Good luck Elizabeth.] (Evan's Mom)

My mind is still Blank and my legs are trembling. 

I'm scared.

I couldn't look her in the eye.

This happened before too when my Mom almost killed Evan. At that time I couldn't choose a side. But now? I just have to tell my mom that I'm sorry. So Why is it so damn hard?

[Tifa... I know I was Wrong. I should have told you... but I Couldn't. I Couldn't bear you hateing me...... I really Couldn't.] (Mom)

...It's not your fault.

She's on the verge of crying.

......and I can't even look at her in the eye.

[I really wanted to tell you every single time that I was your mother. I really wanted to tell you that you don't have to prove anything. You were already everything in my eyes. It killed me when I saw your injuries after your mission. It Killed when you were late outside the kingdom I wanted to run outside to search for you but I couldn't do that.] (Mom)

I'm really Pathetic aren't I?.......... My Mother is crying in front of me and I don't have the courage to say anything to her.

[Please Forgive me.] (Mom)

She said almost crying.

[i........ I!......] (Me)

Damn it! Why is it so damn Hard?!?

My Mom was looking at me Anxious at my response.

... And I Cant even say anything.......

...... I don't deserve any of this........

...... I just want to run away somewhere.......

[Tifa! You Got This!] (Evan)

[Evan?] (Mom)


I looked back and Evan was standing next to the door.

[Listen! I know What your Thinking! But Screw All That And Look In your Mothers Eyes and say Exactly What your Heart wants to say. Nothing Else Matters!] (Evan)

[He's Right!] (Sarah)


[I-I Know that I Lied. B-But! None of it was your fault. Heck, it was my fault for never staying by your side all the time. So let me Clear this out. No Matter what Happens I'm your Sister! And I could Never Hate You For Anything!] (Sarah)

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