Chapter 84 (Forbidden Mana Ball)

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Wassup Everyone! How are you all?

Just wanted to say sorry for the late update and for those that don't know. I'm currently on a trip. Which is why there hasn't been an update. So, am I gonna keep this momentum going and keep updating every two weeks? probably not, I'll try to keep bringing it back to updates every two or three days but no promises.

Oh well, I hope you enjoy the chapter. (And pls Vote :p ) 




Evan POV:

If you All Come Here Then It Will Be Dangerous For More Than One Reason!!!

[Y-Yes! We must Help as well!] (Some Faerie)

[You're Right! Everyone! All the Corruption has Gathered at One Spot! This is Our Chance! Someone Call For Reinforcements! We'll all get rid of them Here and Now!] (Some other faerie)

[Yes!] (Another One)

Now I have no clue on what to do. 

I'm still flying in the air shooting these goddam Earth worms while two more bursts out of the ground aiming for me.

I started flying above to gain altitude and make sure these devourers can't reach up to me.

I start shooting bullets down to kill the devourers but that seemed unnecessary since all the fairies started casting magic which was overkill for these zombie snakes.

I didn't notice before but there's a Castle quite far away from here. I wonder what's over there? Better put it on the list of things I need to do and not forget it.

Now. To the matter on hand. What the hell do I do?

I wanted the others to leave but I don't think I can do anything now.

Okay, Evan. Concentrate. What can I do? But first I should land down.

I landed quickly and removed my wings.

Everything seemed to have slowed down.

The faeries and my family is running over here to fight. there's still a few hundred eaters of souls left.

Flippen Terra still over there fighting with the........ Fake me.


I have an Idea.

I immediately made a 10‬0 Mp Mana Ball imbued with the spell shockwave with max range, no damage and threw it behind me on me famillia

The mana ball blew up knocking everyone far away.

The fake me seemed to know what I was going to do so he ran towards me.

[Hey! Where are you Going?! Oh wait there's two Evans.] (Terra)

[I'm gonna say this right now. I'm the real one.] (Me)

[Well Dam- AHHHHHH] (Terra)

I Grappled him towards me and it threw him off-guard.

All the Eater's stayed in the air and watched both Me and Terra. I guess they're true to their AI from Terraria.

[Keep all the friendlies safe and away from the battle zone I have a plan.] (Me)

[What are you gonna do?] (Terra)

[Forbidden Mana Ball.] (Me)

[Okay remember how everything F**ks up whenever you say something with the word 'forbidden' along with it.] (Terra)

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