Chapter 37 (Meeting Between Queens and Evan)

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Evan POV:

[Oh, So that's how it works.] (Lucy)

She asks me about things related to alchemy but since the crafting list does everything for me, the system helps me and I answer her.

I did tell them that I would teach her and Oswald but..... I suck at teaching. Welp, I'll look at it when I am actually teaching.

Other than that I have found more about the Mana ball magic skill.

It's just a ball of pure Mana energy, that's it. But that makes it really versatile as I can use it for anything. That means I can use it to damage, support, supply e.t.c the possibility of this are endless.

.... I really hope I can use it like a bomb.

[Hello Ried!] (Luna)
[H-Hello brother.] (Mia)

Luna and Mia came out of nowhere and for some reason, Luna had a huge smile on her face. Almost like a fake smile.

[What are you two doing here?] (Me)

[Nothing much we just got bored at home so we decided to come here. So, What are you doing here?] (Luna)

[Nothing much, just wasting some time reading books.] (Me)

That and I'm trying to learn magic. Also waiting for the queen.

[Ohhh. Mind if I join?] (Luna)

Before I said anything Luna took a chair from the sides and sat between Lucy and me.

[H-Hey!] (Lucy)

[What.] (Luna)

[I was sitting with Shisho!] (Lucy)

Luna scoffed

[Well now you're sitting with me.] (Luna)

Woah, Luna, you went from 0 to a 100 real quick.

Lucy looks a little bit mad.

[U-Umm, I'm sorry about this brother.] (Mia)

Mia looks a little downcast.

[Sorry for what? Coming here?] (Me)

[Um no, I'm sorry for interrupting your...... Meeting.] (Mia)

Mia looks sad and it also looks like Luna is giving Lucy a cold shoulder.

Wait a second...... Was this planned?

And both are definitely worrying about something for them both to come here.

Hmmm.............. I can't Figure this out

[Shisho. I wanted to ask you about the properties of a....... Oh, I didn't expect we would have company.] (Oswald)

[Ah Oswald. These two are my sister's but I think you already know them.] (Me)

If I remember correctly you and Lucy made them think I didn't have amnesia which almost screwed me up.

[Yes, indeed we have met before.] (Oswald)

Just then a guy with black hair and a serious but also a handsome face came near us.

[Evan, her highness is waiting for you.] (Black hair guy)

Wait a second, I know that voice.

[.....Trish?] (Me)

He smiled.

[Yes Evan, it's me. Thanks for everything.] (Trish)

HOLY SHIT dam u look hot, no homo tho.

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