Important Notice

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Hello Everyone.

How are you all doing?

Today was a terrible day for me because just recently my mother lost her fight with cancer. For almost 3 years she's been fighting it.

I don't want to say much but please pray that she goes to heaven. She was the best and most loveliest person I know of and I doubt that I will find another.

Aside from that, I'll stop writing for now. Don't worry, I won't stop writing this story but I'm taking a break for now. I don't want my emotions to alter the story in any way.

Thank you all for being so invested in the story. It meant a lot to me. Even the smallest thing like telling me where I made a Grammer mistake was amazing.

So I'll see you all soon enough. Thank you for being so invested in my story. It meant a lot to a nobody like me.



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