Chapter 80 (A Quest for Lightsabers)

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Evan POV:

[So, What's up?] (Terra)

[Look at this.] (Me)

I placed the two diaries I got on to the table in my room.

[So, it looks like that after the heroes left, people really did have their memories wiped clean of them.] (Me)

Aisha came near and started inspecting the diary.

[Have you read them?] (Terra)

[No, not yet. I was going to but Aisha told me that my father is here.] (Me)

[Huh? Your father? From Earth?] (Terra)

[Ried's father is here actually.] (Aisha)

[Dam, must be hard.] (Terra)

[Well, going back to the point. I was going to read them but I don't got the time now. Aisha, I want you to read them now.] (Me)

[What? Why? I have things to do.] (Aisha)

[I know you're gonna laze around, don't act like I didn't saw the hammock outside.] (Me)

[Dam it.] (Aisha)

[So what are we gonna do?] (Terra)

[I guess it's finally time to spawn a meteorite. The materials we're gonna find underground is gonna be worthless anyway and only the Chests has some good loot. So might as well try and spawn a meteorite so we can get space armor and lightsabers.] (Me)

There are more better things to get like the space gun which has a good penetration ability making it a great crowd controller and the star canon which straight up wrecks the opponent by throwing a Flippen star at their Face.

But. The Lightsaber. It's a Flippen Lightsaber! Who Doesn't Want To use A LightSaber! Technically it's called the Phaseblade which is the weaker version of the Phasesaber but they're BOTH LIGHTSABERS!!

[I don't know why you didn't think of this before But I'm with you.] (Terra)

[I was just about to say that too. Terra, you're going with me. Aisha, you read all that and then tell us after we come back.] (Me)

[Fricken Fine. but I Won't be happy about it.] (Aisha)

[I'll let you play around with the Lightsaber. ] (Me)

[Your wish is my command master.] (Aisha)

[Alright then. Let's stock up on Purification powders, bombs and dynamites because it seems like the Faeries over there also needs some help and we still have onky iron pickaxes which can't mine meteorite or the Ebonystone that grows in corruption. ] (Me)

[Wait hold on, Faeries?] (Terra)

[My "Father" said he was fighting for the Faeries and just came back to hang out a bit. So we're gonna go over there with tons of these purification powder and help'em out as well as destroying the demon orb's to summon the meteors.] (Me)

[Sounds like a plan.] (Terra)

Now, Am I forgetting something? Oh, Yea! I told Tifa to bring those Fallen stars from her kingdom. They should be in the chest.

I went to My Personal Chest and sure enough, there really were Fallen stars in here. 74 of them Too!

I just turned them all to Mana crystal and was left with 24 Mana crystal and 2 Fallen Stars.

I spammed them on myself and sure enough from my experiments before. I couldn't get any more than 400 Max Mana. I was left with 16 so I gave 5 to Terra and the rest 11 to Aisha.

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