Chapter 123 (A "Caught" Evan)

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Heyyo, I'm back. My exams finished some days ago, and it's been like what? 3 months? Since TsWOT's last update. Personally, I wanted to slack off more, but Y'all kept bullying me on discord, so here I am.

I would say I'd keep a constant update from here on out, but if you all know me, then Y'all know that that's not happening. At least I'll try to keep it once per week at the very least...... probably.

So anyway, since it's been a long time, I'm supposed to write a re-cap to catch everyone up to speed.

oh, and on that note. 

This one's for all you people in discord that were bullying me to write, especially you Dotty. making me feel bad for not writing.

Anyway, if you feel like y'all wanna join in on the bullying, then go to my discord, which I'm too lazy to link. 

Just go to my profile and search there. I'm not your nanny.




{Author Note: Ignore this if you already know what has happened.}

Evan gives his gang a holiday so terra can relax after coming back from the place where his lover betrayed him.
This allows Evan to bring his kids outside so they can all have fun.
Evan thinks of bringing them to Daisy's kingdom since it's close.
Aisha joins them because she was going to that place anyway for checking out different skill books in case there's anything new.
Vacation goes well. Everyone receives fun.
Near the end of the day, Evan checks what Aisha's doing, and finds a book that changes his class into "True Hero of Skill".
When he became "True Hero of Skill", a big beam of light gave away his position.
Evan couldn't wait to experiment his new skills so he ran away into the middle of nowhere as dawn struck.
Even got caught by cultists.
Cultists receive harassment from Evan.
Evan calls help from his other hero friends.
Hero friends accidentally gave info about Evan getting captured by cultists because of karma.
Evan gets taken to middle of jungle biome.


Evan POV

Oh boi, what am I supposed to do now?

Right now, I'm sitting on a chair in a damp and dark room that is deep underground in the jungle. There's only a slight pinkish looking table in front of me and a chair right opposite to that which is facing me.

Basically, I was in an interrogation room.

And just a second ago, another one of the Cultists interrogator left the room.

And by leaving the room, I mean leaving while crying and running away.

How did we get here?

Let's just do a quick re-cap.

After we went into the lush and wet jungle. The cultists started moving through the jungle like it was a maze, always changing directions now and then. Of course, they were trying to hurry at the same time because of my constant nagging.

We came across a cave hidden behind a waterfall.

Which was kinda both amazing to see and kinda cliche.

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