Side Story - Evan's Experiments 2

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Evan POV:

[So, What now?] (Walter)

Me, Walter, Aisha and Terra were all in a vacant room in my Mansion.

Walter did honestly ask a good question.

[Well, to put it simply, we have a number of things to do. One, which is also the main thing and that's to meet my pupil's Grandfather. He might know something about how to return back.] (Me)

[Wait, you're a teacher now?] (Terra)

[Yep! got two students.] (Me)

[My condolences to them.] (Terra)

[That was unnecessary.] (Me)

[I'm guessing that finding better equipment is also a thing we need to do.] (Walter)

[Dam. This means we have to mine and explore the caves doesn't it.] (Aisha)

[I honestly don't really think we need equipments. Our objective is to find a way back and I doubt beating bosses and unlocking the hard mode will help. It will just make it harder for us to find the way back.] (Me)

[Yay!] (Aisha)

[Well, we're still being targeted by the Cultists, especially Aisha who just told everyone that she's the Hero of Magic.] (Walter)

[Hey! I Didn't Know that It Would All Come To This, Okay!?] (Aisha)

[There's a reason why superheroes hide their identity.] (Terra)

[Okay guys, jokes aside. Here's a list of the things we need to do.] (Me)

I started telling them all the one by one.


1) Reach Lucy's Grandfather.

2) Get the Magic hero's diary from the Cultists.


1) Get better equipment.

2) Get better Skills.

3) Make the Mansion better.

4) Help the kingdoms.

[I think we should focus on these things before moving onto bigger ones. That and my pupil's tournament for their ranking will start soon so you guys have to tell me what you all want to do while I'm gone.] (Me)

[Should we not stay together all the time?] (Aisha)

[That's safe but slow. Its best if you guys find a thing to do while I'm gone.] (Me)

Walter placed his right hand to his chin.

[Hmm, then we should probably work towards our skills then. Any equipment we'll find now will be worthless later.] (Walter)

[My thought's exactly but how do your guy's Skills works? For me, I have to do random things one time and I'll get the skill.] (Me)

And then came a long talk with each other.

I just told them a couple of my skills from the Hundreds I had.

Walter, Unsurprisingly, didn't have any skill aside from the one he started with. Which were

Vortex's Blessing: Ranged damage is increased by 50% with 30% increased Critical strike chance.

Keen Eye's: Accuracy is increased to 99% for all types of ranged weapons.

Terra had:

Solar's Blessing: Melee damage is increased by 50% with 30% increased Defence.

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