Chapter 118 (A good vacation)

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*Evan POV*

I left the horses in the stable behind the adventurer's guild before we all started our vacation.

And I have to say.

I'm feel'in pretty good right now.

Aisha said she would hang around a bit before doing her research in the library.

Now then, Let's see....

Where should I bring Hope and Faith first?

..... I guess I'll start with the Adventurer's guild because it's right there. 

[Do you guys wanna know where I work from time to time?] (Me)

I asked the two little critters and though I say I work here but I can't remember the last time I accepted any quest. I've just been doing stuff on my own

They became star struck and nodded furiously.

I have to say.......

They're too excited and I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

We entered the guild normally. And by normally I mean I didn't kick the door open which I was infamous for.

{Author Note: You weren't infamous for that. You just told yourself you're infamous for that and kept doing it.}

As we entered the building, I saw some adventurers waiting for their turn and Liza who was quickly helping everyone.

Liza Quickly noticed me and gave off a warm smile.

[Welcome back Evan.] (Liza)

[Wassup.] (Me)

I waved back like usual but once The adventurers noticed me. 

They did the most bewildering thing that instantly turn my guard up.

They started cheering for me.

Honestly my first thoughts were if there's a Hidden camera nearby and this is some kind of a prank. But then i remembered that cameras don't exist here.... Probably.

I don't remember doing anything that would garner this much attention from the other adventurers. 

Maybe it's because of the elf and Human union thingy that happened some time ago?

Welp. Can't do anything about it now. And since I'm famous now, I should do what famous people do. 

I put on my Charming smile.

[Hey.] (Me)

I said seductively to all the guys and girls adventurers that were present.

I made finger guns and pointed at them.

[How ya doin?] (Me)

.....This is how famous people act, right?

Anywho, I was confused at first but my charisma was high enough to not make a fool out of me.

Other than that. Watching the surprised faces of Hope and Faith was priceless when they found out that Liza was the one who assigned work me.

Faith and Hope ignored the waiting line and sprinted towards Liza. And they just start talking like nothing's wrong.

I thought that the adventurers would be mad, but they just started listening to their conversation.

Out of nowhere Liza starts sharing all the big things I've done, and Hope and Faith listened while being star struck.

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