Chapter 121 (Captured Evan)

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*Evan POV*

Why the hell is it day time already?

Well, I already know why. After figuring out how the components stuff worked with the skill creation, I spent a lot of time figuring out which combination made sense and was efficient, because I doubt I can use these skills with mana ball to negate the cooldown.

But all that only took a few hours. The real reason why it's already day time is because I looked at style creation.

And It's a little confusing.

Creating a style is the same as creating a skill. You need components, there's a principal component that will define which class the style falls in such as melee, range, magic or summon. And then you add as many components you want to make a style of your own.

Obviously the first thing I did was analyze Cursed Flame style which would give me a basic idea of styles.

And...... well.

Cursed Flame style:-
Principal Component: Magic
Components: Cursed Flame, Elementalist (Bound to Cursed Flame), Summon Element balls (Bound to Cursed Flame), Bound Element Weapons (Bound to Cursed Flame).

Cursed Flame: The element Cursed Flame is added.
Elementalist: Normal actions or skills are converted to the element this component is bound to.
Summon Element Balls: Elemental balls are summoned per every normal attack which will attack after a delay.
Bound Element Weapons: Summons elemental weapons. 

I didn't know you could bind components to other components. 

And I remember Jeff the guide saying before that all styles have some kind of a downside to using them and I think it's usually determined by what kind of component is in them.

Let's take Cursed flame style as an example. Because the component Cursed Flame is added, I can't use any other element while the style is active. Similarly, The elementalist probably lowers my defence to half, The elemental balls have a hard time hitting targets because the delay is quite large and the bound weapons disable the use of my gear.

I knew all this after experimenting by creating different style and stuffs.

All in all. I spent quite a long time with this which is why it's day time already.

I've created many styles, some not that useful but some that I CAN'T WAIT TO TRY!!

Like I'm really serious! I want to go out right now and test all these new skills and Styles I created.

Since I haven't really experimented or used the styles, I have no idea if they will work or not so there's that too. I wanna perfect them through trial and error.

I've been meaning to sneak out before but if I sneak out at night, and one of them wakes up, then I'm definitely gonna get scolded by Hope or Faith or they will tell the others at home so, just to be safe, I have to wait for day time. That way I can just say that I woke up early.


So just some time ago, the sun rose up. I'm guessing it's in between 4:30 and 5:00 clock right now.

Early morning.

When the mythical beings known as the early risers and the night shifts are at their peak and normal people are asleep.


The Perfect time for crime.

Wait, no. I mean experiments.

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