Side Chapter (Behind the Scenes 2)

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Luna POV:

The referee is about to signal the beginning of the fight between Evan and Itla.

I'm pretty sure Evan and Itla talked about something down there but since they're too far away, I can't hear them.  

So far, Evan won all the fights with little to no problem.

He looked especially dreamy with the wings..... Though that does make me wonder, when did he actually learn to do all that? Being a Hero is one thing but learning is another...... or this really is the power of the Heroes.

Right now, Hope was on my Lap and Faith was on Aisha's Lap. Beside me were, Tifa, Lucy and Oswald.

I can understand the fact that Aisha is another Hero and her joining together with Evan will make his ordeals much more safer...... BUT SHE PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH.

[Aunt Luna, Why did Papa Ask that person that he wants to see his demons?] (Hope)


Not only me but the others were surprised as well.

[Wait, Hope, you can hear them?] (Me)

Her cute face looked at me and slightly tilted her head.

[You can't?] (Hope)

[Papa Evan is probably asking that so he can truly see the demon inside him.] (Aisha)

[Papa has a demon inside him?] (Faith)

[Everyone has a demon inside him or her. For example, Aunt Luna's Demon always makes her angry whenever I talk to her, Isn't that Right, Auntie?] (Aisha)

I swear on my Tribe's legacy that I will make you suffer one day even if you're a Hero.

While we were talking to each other, the referee shouted loudly.

[Begin!] (Referee)

Before anything happened, Itla quickly conjured up a Mana absorption Shield.

A spell that reduces oncoming Magical damage from 50% to completely blocking a spell. It's amazingly crafty and sly for her to use it here.

Itla didn't take a breather and immediately started casting what I assume to be her signature Magic Spell "Nightmare". What's surprising was that Evan didn't move an inch and crossed his hands waiting for Itla to finish her spell.

[What's he doing?] (Me)

[Well he did say he wanted to witness his Demon, let's just wait and see what happens.] (Aisha)

[Whatever it is, Papa will Beat It For Sure!] (Faith)

[Faith's right, Never underestimate Shishou.] (Lucy)

Some type of black smoke started conjuring up in front of Itla.

It seems much much smaller than the last time when that "Giant Slime with a person inside it" came.

The smoke faded to reveal a skeleton wearing a strange type of blue clothing.


This is the first time after the incident, that I'm seeing Evan so terrified.

[Something's Wrong.] (Tifa)

[Oh No.] (Aisha)

I looked over to Aisha and she's just as terrified as Evan.

[Luna! If Something Bad Happens Then Take the Kids and Run as Far Away from Here As Possible!] (Aisha)


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