Bonus Chapter: Ask the Heroes!

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*3rd Person POV*

Evan, Terra, Walter, and Aisha were all in a room that was filled with recording equipment and professional staff who were moving here and there busy in one thing or another.

Aisha, Evan, Terra and Walter were sitting next to each other in front of a huge table in what seemed like a sitcom, waiting for the cameras to turn on so they can start their work.

One of the guys suddenly gives a head's up to Aisha and she responds back by nodding.




Those words resounded in the room as the already illuminated room was lightened up more along with the noise of all the cameras turning on.

Aisha's face lightened up as she started talking.

[Hello and Welcome to our Brand new Show called Ask the Heroes! I'm your Host Aisha Langford, The Hero of Magic, joined by my good friends and heroes, Evan, the Hero of skill. Terra, the Hero of Strength. And Finally Walter, the Hero of Range.] (Aisha) 

The other heroes waved their hands as their names were called upon.

When Walter waved his hand, he realized something and immediately asked

[Hey hold on, how did we come here? weren't we grinding for materials right about now?] (Walter)

Silence persisted for a moment in the studio before Aisha Ignored Walter and went on with her speech

[This is a brand new Show where we-] (Aisha)

[So, you're just gonna ignore me like that?] (Walter)

Walter immediately interrupted Aisha which seemed to have annoyed her.

[Dam, Walter. Let her do her thing first.] (Terra)

[Yea, you're looking like an ass now.] (Evan)

[Thank you.] (Aisha)

Walter decided to ignore all laws of reality and go on with whatever's going on.

[As I was saying, this is a Brand New show called Ask the Heroes, where we will all read the question's asked by the Readers and answer them with the best of our abilities without spoiling anything.] (Aisha)

Walter wanted to ask who the readers were but decided that he was better off not knowing.

[There must be some rules right?] (Evan)

[It's as you say, Evan. There are some rules. First of all, as I said before, we can't spoil anything about future happenings in the story. next, The readers who asks us questions will always be anonymous, so to y'all reading. Ask away to your heart's content you won't be revealed until asked to. And Finally, as soon as this Show finishes, We will all forget everything that's happened here so it won't affect the main story.] (Aisha)

[Wait, hold on, what?] (Walter)

[huh, sounds awesome.] (Terra)

[How.] (Walter)

[Well I have the amazing talent of forgetting everything so I guess it won't affect me in the slightest.] (Evan)

[Seriously, How's Evan still alive.] (Walter)

Walter was slowly going insane but everyone ignored him.

[So now that the Introductions are over and the Rules are set. I would happily like to introduce our Dear Directors Author-Kun and Freipixelz!] (Aisha)

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