Side Story: Evangeline Born-a-Hart

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Evangeline POV:

{Author Note: This scene is before Evan Fought against Trish}

I took a deep sigh.

So much work again.

I was sitting in my well built Office in the castle, working with paperwork for the guild and the Castle.

People often think that it's tiring to be the Guild master and also be one of Queen's Advisors but because of my Dragon Blood, I have tons of more Stamina than humans.

That's right I'm not actually human, though I do look a lot like one. I'm a Dragon-kin, and the only proof I need to show anyone, that I'm a dragon-kin, is that there are some black dragon-scales on my shoulders and some on my hips.

Anyway, I'm more focused on Ballantine.

Ballantine is a new Kingdom and Because of that, this place can easily get swallowed by other kingdoms.

Which is why I have to make necessary, Castle Defensive Arrangements as soon as I can. 

The only problem is our Queen, Daisy.

She is a Good friend of mine. She's also the youngest one Chosen to lead a kingdom of her own among her other siblings who have to fight for a throne. They may attack us in Jealousey but to counter that, Daisy's mother appointed me to keep Daisy safe.

It would all be good and well if only for Daisy's ambition of uniting the world.

I'm not saying its bad, quite the contrary. But, She never fortifies her Kingdom. Never Recruits more men for her army's strength or Building defensive parameters. Her theory is that if everyone will be friends then no one will have to fight.

I sighed again.

The Thought is good but the Real world is not like that.

I heard a knock on the Door.

[Come in.] (Me)

A Knight in full Iron armor set came in.

[Her Highness has requested your presence in the Throne Room.] (Knight)

[Throne Room? Is there a special reason?] (Me)

[She said that she wanted to move her plan forward.] (Knight)

Of course, she did.

I stood up and walked towards the Throne room.


Alright, I'm almost there, the Throne room is just through this doo-

[Alright, How about we do this the old Fashioned way?] (???)

Huh? What's going on in there?

I opened the door a little bit and peeked inside.

All the knights had moved in front of Daisy, shielding her from anything and in the middle, it's her Personal Army's Leader, Trish and some guy with white hair, holding a wooden sword.

It looked like they were about to start fighting and I was about to intervene but, what was weird was that Daisy was not trying to stop the fight,

That means that either she wanted this to happen or...... those guys just wanna brawl.



His name seems to be Evan and I'm quite bewildered. Not because of this guy winning, but because he shot an insane arrow infused with his magical powers.

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