Chapter 95 (Meet up between Heroes)

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Another Fan Art :D

Another Fan Art :D

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Thank you, @EC_equinox Incredible Job! :D



Evan POV

And the reason I haven't automatically activated Berserk Skill is because of...

Pain Immunity?

[Wait Hold on for a second. It doesn't say anywhere in the skill description about being activated due to an adrenaline rush.] (Me)

[The skill's description will only tell what a skill was made for. Mastering it one will open Hidden paths.] (Jeff)

Is that his way of saying that each skill has a hidden ability which I proved some time before?

[Fine whatever. I got the main info I needed which was about the styles. You hang around, I'm going on inside.] (Me)

Jeff nodded and I walked inside.

I wasn't in a rush of any kind. But we all needed another clue.

Currently, I have lost all the clues and hints about going back home. 

We need a new plan for this.

As I walked upstairs to the living quarters, I bumped into Luna.

[Oh hey there, Lil Princess. Had a good night?] (Me)

She blushed a bit and looked away.

[don't call me Little princess.] (Luna)

She said in a little voice.

I chuckled a bit and patted her head.

She made a sigh and started talking.

[I woke up the Heroes instead of Mia.] (Luna)

[Nice Work, Then I'll see you later.] (Me)

I passed by her.

[Are you going on another expedition again?] (Luna)


Oh, I guess she's worried since last time I did give everyone quite a fright.

[Uh, Probably not. And even if so, It won't be anything dangerous.] (Me)


[...Do you really have to go?] (Luna)

have to go back to my world cuz I shouldn't even be existing here. plus I got tons of responsibilities there that needs taking care of.

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