Chapter 98 (Consequences)

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Hello! Back At it again with another Fanart By Centinelly

Hello! Back At it again with another Fanart By Centinelly

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It's from the Goblin incident! XD

I Flippen Love it! Thanks, @Centinelly Amazing Work!



*Terra POV*

I thrusted my Bloody cleaver into Evan


Blood splattered everywhere as I heard Luna's helpless squeak.

I Paused for dramatic effect and then pulled the sword out of Evan's body.


We'll he's still alive. He has more than 60% hp left but there was one he had gotten a debuff. Or more specifically, "Lethal Wound" 

Blood splattered everywhere as Evan fell down like a doll with its strings cut.

Why do I have to become the bad guy again?

Well, that aside, I had gotten the Peek skill which Evan told me about, and this meant I could see their description as well.

Lethal Wound: Lost consciousness and constantly lossing life.
Duration: 29 Seconds

Oh, Dam! Gonna have to talk to Evan about that one.

Oh, Yea! I was supposed to be Acting!

I started laughing hysterically. It was a fake laugh but it was hard to differentiate from a real one.


[NOOOO!!!!] (Luna)

Luna's eyes turned from light blue to blood red as she charged towards Evan.

I'm guessing that's the berserk mode. Now I have to fight her for some time because Evan asked me to test some things with her since we're not gonna get a second chance at this, before telling her it was all a prank or something.

[Like I'd Let You!] (Terra)

I came in between Luna and Evan.


Luna was hysteric and I saw her crying.

I kind of feel bad but it's for an experiment so forgive me.

Luna waved her hand up and hundreds of Ice spikes Jumped out of the ground instantly, Not even giving me the time to react.

A few hit me but I reactively placed my sword in front of me to defend.


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