Side Chapter: Aftermath

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*Evan POV*

So, just after everything had settled I started talking to my parents about the faeries they were helping and I told them a bit about my stories and what had happened.

I also looked after Hope and Faith since they formed another tail, got a bit bigger, a bit stronger and started emitting some strange behaviours such as growling, running on all fours and stuff.

They were a bit clingy, but I didn't mind. I talked to Jeff the guide, who was guarding the entrance like usual and asked him about what was going on with them. His explanation answered exactly what I suspected.

Seems like instead of growing. These little girls level up. Which is signified by their tails. One tail means that they were just born, 2 tails means that they're just a little above being a baby, 3 tails which they are at now means that they have just become a teenager.

As they level up, they gain more strength, Insight, power and all those things. The only thing weird is that their race is really Instinctual during their teens level. which is during their 3rd and 4th tail. which is why they started growling and running on all fours like a wolf or a dog or something

Which got me wondering, how long will be their lifespan? And what's the limit to their tails?

To which Jeff replied that they are actually near immortal, as long as they have mana they can't die of any old age problems. That and technically they can grow up to 9 Tails but since that is near impossible, 8 tails is probably the limit.

From Jeff's explanation I categorized their tails level as, 1 tail is pre-baby, 2 tails is post-baby, 3 tails is pre-teen, 4 tails is post-teen, 5 tails is pre-adult, 6 tails is post-adult, 7 tails is pre-boomer and finally 8 tails is post-boomer. 

Jeff said that for them to grow 9 tails they will have to absorb at least like half the total mana this planet has cumulated up-till now which I have now idea how much that is and how they're going to eat that much in the first place. 

That and once they grow 9 tails they become Demi-gods, so there's that as well.

I also questioned how powerful is a Demi-god and the answer I got was shocking.

Moon Lord is a broken down and a Weak Demi-god.



Moon Lord is the Last Boss of the Game!

Are you saying these 2 Cute little Critters will become stronger than the Dude whose name is Literally THE MOON FLIPPEN LORD!?

As shocking as it may be, Hope and Faith reaching 9 tails will be hard if not impossible.

Anywho, what else?

Oh yea, Tifa came out of nowhere. She also brought another batch of Fallen stars which I had requested from Queen Elizabeth, the elves queen. There were 100 fallen stars that Tifa brought which is Very Nice, I'll spare some and create Mana Crystals with the rest. But I'll do it all later.

After Tifa introduced herself to my parents, we hung around, played a bit with Hope and Faith, I listened to her complaints and what was happening in the Elf's kingdom while getting stalked a bit by jealous Sarya, Alton and Rose.

Luna joined in our convo, and it was a fun thing to do until my friends returned.


A day has passed since..... Luna had her first period?

Am I allowed to call that entire scene her period?

I don't know what I'm allowed to say or not. The fact is, that it's gone, whatever it was.

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