Chapter 99 (Faith's anger and Hope's Worries)

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-Evan POV-

[Hello Evan.] (Todd)


[You're not supposed to be in Skyrim are you?] (Todd)


Suddenly, my HUD from Terraria finally came back to me.

[That should help you.] (Todd)

[Whaaa? Wait! I can Finally talk Now!] (Me)

I checked my status and sure enough.

Lethal Wound: Lost Consciousness and slowly losing life.
Duration: 15 seconds.


Uhhh, Isn't that an OP debuff or something?

[So am I in a dream or something?] (Me)

A status popped out.

Dreaming: In a Dream.


Todd doesn't appear to be talking. Is it because he's made from my mind and how I think he's like?

[Your kids are waiting for you.] (Todd)

[What?] (Me)

Before I could say anything, I actually started hearing voices.

I couldn't tell what the voices were saying. But there was one thing i was 100% certain off.

It was Hope's voice.

And thus I panicked.

[Todd! Quick Punch me awake!] (Me)

[I would never do tha-] (Todd)

[Skyrim Sucks!] (Me)


I was punched out of the carriage

My Vision slowly blurred into darkness.

And through that Darkness, I heard Todd's last words.

[It just works.] (Todd)

Thanks Todd.

Everything turned black

And moments later, I got my consciousness back.

Now there are two things I want to talk about Immidiately.

Firstly, My LEthal wound debuff that still had like 10 seconds left was changed to a buff called Neko Fox's Blessing.

Neko Fox's Blessing(2x): Slowly regenerating life and removes one random debuff every 2 seconds. (Can stack up to 5 times to increase duration only.)
Duration: 5 seconds (Times 2)

And Secondly, I was lying on the ground where Terra and I fought, nothing much changed only i was facing the sky now and on top of me was Hope who was crying her heart out.

That wasn't much of a problem, the problem was that she was... Naked.

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