Chapter 108 (Red Hot Night)

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Terraria's Journey's end update was released a few days ago, I just want to say that this story will not adapt to Journey's end and will be based on Terraria ver 1.3 like before.

Other than that, Another fanart by my boi @CentryNEL

Other than that, Another fanart by my boi @CentryNEL

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Its Tifa! :D

Amazing artwork as always my dude. 



*Evan POV*

The moon was shining red as everything in the forest was covered in a reddish hue giving off the illusion as if the forest was filled with blood and flesh.

The Blood Moon.

A special event where the moon will turn red and all the enemies would become stronger, tougher, and faster along with a special few more enemies spawning.

[Bam.] (Me)

I said nonchalantly on my brown horse as another Zombie's Head was blown apart by my Musket.

the reason he was done in by just one shot is cuz I'm using charged shot from the siege skill while sitting on the horse for increased damage at the cost of slow speed.

I still wonder why my Siege skill is not classified as a style but oh well.

Right now, the only new enemies in the blood moon are the Blood Zombie and the Drippler.

The blood zombie is just a normal zombie but turned inside out. And the Drippler is a slow-flying ball of flesh and blood with many eyes on it.

My horse would sometimes get scared but I would spam 'Calm Mind' spell on him so it was all good.

[Tis the season of the Blood Moon Tralalala Lala- BAM!] (Me)

I started singing as I shot and killed another zombie with the Musket.

Skill Unlocked: Singing (Lvl:1)

Oh hey. Another free skill.

The blood moon is quite the annoying Event but you can farm for the "Money trough" item from the blood zombies and the dripplers which is a must Item for everyone.

The money trough Item lets you spawn a flying piggy bank in which you can store all things you need, so ultimately it acts like an extra chest that you can keep with yourself which is super useful.

I made sure to message the rest of the heroes and tell 'em to farm for it cuz I don't think we'll be getting another good chance to farm it.

[Blood and Flesh falling everywhere -BAM!- with the jolly sense of humor! BAM!] (Me)

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