Chapter 29 (Npc's)

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Evan POV:


Okay, Evan you know what to do.

Iniate operation "i've been found!"


Step 1) Remain calm with a straight face.

Okay that one's easy.

They all have heavy faces and Luna would look away whenever I looked at her.

So step one, check.

Step 2) Make sure that you've been found out.

Alright that is also easy.

[What are you talking about?  Of course I have amnesia.] (Me)

[How are you able to teach miss Lucy about alchemy and also magic with amnesia?] (Helputt)


Okay, screw the operation it sucks anyway.

I made a heavy face. And talked heavily as if I was burdened with the weight of the world.

[So you want to know what happened to me in the forest?] (Me)

They made a resolute face and helputt nodded.

[Then follow me. There's something I have to show you first.] (Me)

My awesome house that is!

I got outside the guild.

[Is that Evan? The guy Queen is looking for?] (Guy 1)

[Yea! That's Evan! Quick! Call the Guards!] (Guy 2)

I wanted to be dramatic but I forgot i was a fugitive.

[Where are we going and why are you wanted?] (Helputt)

I looked back and saw Helputt leaning on Nezha.

Crap! We need another horse too.

[Stop Right There Evan!] (Guard)

OH COME ON! How are Guards The Already Here!

What Do I Do?!?

[Get Back!] (Tifa)


Tifa came here from above.

[Evan here is protected by our beloved queen and all of the elven kingdom. If any harm comes to him then no one here will be spared.] (Tifa)

Tifa removed the hood of the cape and revealed her long ears.

The guards panicked a bit and moved back a bit. But still stayed put.

Tifa took out her dual swords.

[If you all don't open a path then I Will Attack!] (Tifa)

The guards only looked at each other. No one wanted to make the first move.

[Umm, Tifa.] (Me)

[Not now Evan.] (Tifa)

[Uhh yeah that's cool but uhh we need a horse.] (Me)

[What?] (Tifa)

Tifa looked at me and I pointed at helputt.

[What do we do now?] (Tifa)

[I Don't Know!] (Me)

[Alright everyone. Stay where you are.] (Liza)

Liza and some other girl with her came outside.

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