I hate your cat

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"Morning." I nodded to Sirius as I sat down at the table.

"Tea?" He offered to me. I nodded in response looking across the kitchen to where Molly was arguing with Fred and George.

"New rules, no magic in the morning." She shouted decidedly, crossing her arms. The twins looked annoyed and sat down next to me.

"That just means twice as much at night." Sirius whispered, with a grin. This seemed to cheer the twins up and they both bit I to their toast at the same time.

"Where is everyone then?" Sirius spoke up, leaning back in his chair, his hands behind his head.

"Ginny and Hermione were still asleep when I came down. I'm surprised those two are up, though by the sounds of it, they haven't been having a productive morning." I smiled back at Sirius, sipping my tea.

"Well, apparently we aren't aloud to set fire to things-"

"-Especially not before the sun's risen"
The twins spoke for each other.

"Odd that, isn't it. Why fire is socially unacceptable. It is warm and bright." I shrugged, sarcastically.

"Ronald Billius Weasley, up before nine o'clock. Do my eyes deceive me?" Molly said loudly, shocked by the shirtless figure shuffling through the door.

"I'll go back to bed if you like." He shrugged yawning and stretching his arms above his head.

"I couldn't sleep, with all the shouting about magic in the morning." He told Molly, who handed him a plate with all sorts of food on it.

"Put some clothes on first." She said changing her mind and pulling the plate away. Ron groaned and walked back through the kitchen, ruffling my hair on his way out.

"Toast?" Molly offered, as I smoothed my hair out. I shook my head.

"I need a hairbrush." I smiled, walking out the room. Ron was stood at the top of the stairs, resting his hands on the banister.

"What're you up to?" I asked climbing the stairs, that were leading to him. Now I could look at him properly, his broad chest was muscly, his abs were toned and his arms were bound with muscle.

"Nothing just wanted say good morning." He smiled at me, catching my attention.

"Good morning." I smiled, as he ruffled my hair again. I frowned at him and headed towards the room I shared with Ginny and Hermione.


"Shh!" Hermione hit Ron on the shoulder as he stifled a cough. After listening at the door for a few minutes more Hermione decided she knew all she needed.

"Harry was attacked by a dementor and he used magic to fight it off, but he was infront of a muggle. There will be a hearing tomorrow. They're going to pick him up in a minute." Hermione told us when we were sat in Ron's room.

"So he'll be here soon?" Ron asked excitedly. Hermione nodded in reply, we hadn't been able to write to Harry all summer, dumbledore had told us not to.

We were left in silence for about half an hour. Hermione stood beside the door fidgeting, Ron was sat on a wooden chair and I had was on the floor infront of him, my back resting on his legs he was fiddling with my hair.

The door swung open.

"Harry!" Hermione ran towards the boy and hugged him tight.

"Are you alright? We over heard them talking about the dementor attack, you must tell us everything." She stood back her hands on his shoulders.

"Let the man breath, Hermione." Ron said standing up and walking towards his friend.

"And this hearing at the ministry, it's outrageous. I've looked it up, they simply can't expell you it's completely unfair." She continued, ignoring Ron.

"Yeah, there's a lot of that you g around at the moment. So what is this place?" Harry asked, as I stood up.

"Oh yeah, I never did ask that I just assumed we were staying at Sirius' humble abode for a while." I sighed, smiling at Harry as I stood up from the ground.

"It headquarters." Ron nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Of the Order of the Phoenix. It's a secret society, dumbledore formed it back when we first fought You-know-who." Hermione finished, helpfully.

"You couldn't have put all this in a letter, I suppose. I've gone all summer without a scrap of news." Harry said angrily. I sighed walking towards Ron and Hermione.

"We wanted to write, honestly. Only..."
Ron began.

"Only what?" Harry asked, furious.

"Only Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything." Hermione told him.

"If it makes you feel my better, I didn't know any of this, I was just told not to write." I shrugged.

"Why would be want to keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help." Harry ignored me.

"I'm the when his soul Voldemort return and the one who fought him and the one who watched Cedric diggory get killed! You should have written." Harry said, his voice rising.

There was a pop as the twins apperated beside him.

"We thought we heard your dulcet tones."
"Don't bottle it up though. Let it out."
"If your all done shouting."
"Do you wanna hear something a little more interesting?" The twins voices bounced off each other.

They led us out the room and on to the landing. George was holding what looked like a baby monitor attached to an ear by a long wire. He threw it over the banister and lowered it to the ground.

The machine made static noises in George's hand, everyone's heads turned to look at him.

"He has a right to know, if it wasn't for him we wouldn't even know if Voldemort was back, he's not a child, Molly."
"Yes but he's not an adult either, he's not James!"
"He's not your son."
"He's as good as, who else has he got?"

Ginny came out of a room and walked towards us."Hi Ginny." Harry smiled, before facing the ear that was hovering above the ground but Ginny's eyes stayed fixed on Harry, her smile fading slightly.

"He's got me."
"How touching and paternal like. Perhaps potter will grow up to be a felon just like his godfather."
"Now you stay out of this, Snivellous."

"Snape's part of the order?" Harry asked.

"Git." Ron remarked.

Just then Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, started playing with the extendable ear. The group tried to stop her and haul the ear back up, but they were to late. The cat had engulfed the entire ear.

"Hermione, I hate you cat." Ron said, disappointed. I held in a laugh as the cat ran around the corner.

"Bad Crookshanks!" Hermione called after it. Ron laughed a little before the door to the kitchen swung open.

We all stepped back quickly hoping Molly didn't see us.
"Dinner!" She shouted, we all descended down stairs. As I reached the bottom of the stairs the twins apperated on either side of Molly making her jump.

"Just because your aloud to use magic now, does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!" She shouted to them as they ran away. Ron walked round Molly carefully, I followed smiling at the small encounter.

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