Dragomir Anev

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"Found it!" Ginny called across the shop, forgetting it wasn't empty.

"Fifteen galleons?" Ginny exclaimed, handing me the chess box.

"If he doesn't like this I will throw him out a window." I shook my head at the price tag but put it on the counter anyway.

"Is this all for you, miss." The wizard at the counter asked. I nodded, glancing back at Ginny who had found some boy to talk to.

"Fifteen galleons." He put his hand out raising an eyebrow as I placed the coins in his hand.

"Thank you." I muttered to him, taking the paper bag from the counter.

"Ginny, c'mon." I said as I walked past her.

"No wait, this is Viktor Krums friend. Remember he was at Hogwarts last year." Ginny explained, I looked at the boy. I did recognize him but his name wasn't resonating with me.

"Dragomir, Dragomir Anev." He smiled reaching out to shake my hand. I shook his hand briskly.

"Why are you in England?" Ginny asked him.

"I might have been expelled..." He said quietly. A grin grew on Ginny's face.

"I'm going to Hogwarts, next term. Dumbledore is very kind." He said a bit louder. I noticed the shop keeper staring at us.

"Gin, he wants rid of us." I nodded my head to the wizard that was glaring at our small group.

"We should get butterbeer. Care for a butterbeer, Dragomir? Hey, that rhymes." She smiled at the tall boy.

"Yes, that would be nice." He nodded following Ginny as she took off. I followed after.

"So, Dragomir, what did you get expelled for?" Ginny asked opening the door of a small cafe.

"I accidentally blew up the potions lab..." He scratched the bag of his neck.

"Oh, that's not too bad." Ginny shrugged sitting at a round table.

"Nine times." He hesitated looking at me.

"It appears we have a Seamus Finnegan prototype." I said to Ginny. She nodded beckoning a waitress over.

"Could we have three butterbeers please?" Ginny said sweetly, the waitress nodded.

"What is a Seamus Finnegan?" He asked, playing with the menu infront of him.

"Some twat at school who blows things up all the time." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Oh." Dragomir nodded.

"You here on your own?" I asked him. He nodded.

"How old are you?" Ginny asked, fiddling with a strand of her hair.

"Fifteen." He nodded, Ginny raised her eyebrows at me. She clearly was enjoying the new company.

"And you were friends with Viktor?" I said, not really asking a question.

"Well, my brother is best friends with him but I would like to think we were friends." He nodded, aware that I knew he was using Viktor as bait for Ginny.

"Who are you buying the Chudley Cannons chess for?" He asked pointing in the bag beside me.

"Ron." I muttered as our butterbeers were placed on the table infront of us.

"He's the ginger boy, friends with Potter, yes?" He asked, I nodded.

"You are still with him?" He frowned, glancing back at Ginny.

"Yes." I nodded taking a sip of my butterbeer.

"How did you know they were together?" Ginny asked, between sips of butterbeer.

"I saw her angry at Harry for almost killing Ron. I just assumed." He went red.

"Do you play quidditch?" He asked Ginny.

"I want to, so badly. I'm going to try out next year." She smiled. They both broke off into conversation about quidditch. Leaving me to my thoughts.


If you see a spelling mistake or a sentence doesn't make sense, just let me know. I don't proof read, I'm lazy. This goes for any chapter not just this one.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!


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