mould coloured mess

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"All student organizations are henceforth disband. Any student in non-compliance will be expelled." Umbridge's voice echoed through the corridors.

"That toad gives me a headache." Ron shook his head. He picked up some of my hair twirling it round his finger.

"Mmh." I agreed flipping through my potions book.

"Harry!" Neville's panicked voice filled the common room. All heads turned to face him. He stood awkwardly shuffling his feet from side to side.

"Yes?" Harry inquired. Neville just signalled for is all to follow him.

"There was a door that appeared in the wall, it led to a big room. We could practice there." Neville said once we were far enough away from the common room.

"A room?" Harry frowned, but Neville nodded as he led us briskly through the corridor.

"Here." Neville opened a large door that had never been there before.

"You've done it, Neville. You've find the Room of Requirement." Hermione told us when we were all inside.

"The what?" Ron asked, baffled

"It's also known as the come and go room. The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has a real need of it and it's always equipped fir the seekers need." She explained further.

"So say you really needed the toilet..." Ron scratched the back of his head.

"Charming Ronald, but yes that is the general idea." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"It's brilliant. It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back." Harry grinned.

Before I knew it everyone was in a line, infront off a metal knight that was holding a wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Neville commanded, his wand flew backwards and over our heads.

"I'm hopeless." Neville sighed.

"You're just flourishing your wand too much try it like this. Expelliarmus." The wand flew from the knights hand and across the room.

Everyone had their turn, most failing but not all.

"Y/n." Harry nodded. I wasn't sure if Sirius had told him about my previous teaching in DADA.

"Expelliarmus." I called as the wand flew into my hand.

"Right, good job." He said, surprised.


"Do you know what I realized?" Ron asked me as I lay my head in his lap.

"What?" I asked him as he stroked my hair.

"We've never been on like, a proper date." He shook his head staring into the common room fire.

"That's because one, you never asked me and two, romance makes me physically ill." I reminded him.

"And that's why I love you." Ron nodded. Making me laugh.

"Hello, hello." Lee smiled walking into the common room and jumping over the back of the couch to land next to me.

"What made you so happy?" I asked.

"I think the right question is, who?"
Ron chuckled stroking my hair.

"Is a boy aloud to be happy anymore?" Lee shook his head at us both.

"No." I shook my head sitting up, but our questions were answered when Alicia walking in, blushing at the sight of Lee, who started fidgeting.

Ron and I held in our laughs till Alicia was out of earshot.

"Shut up." Lee kicked me, before heading off towards the boys dorms.

"Let's go on a date then." Ron nodded once we stopped laughing. I sighed knowing he would win.

"The three broomsticks, next weekend." He smiled, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Fine." I shook my head standing up.

"Where're you going?" Ron grabbed my hand.

"Bed." I said before he pulled me back kissing me goodnight.

"Night." He said as he pulled away. I walked away smiling as I went.


"You're smart, Hermione. Why is George such an idiot?" I heard Fred ask as I sat down for breakfast.

"He's a Weasley." She shrugged, earning herself a glare from Ginny.

"I heard Filch has been waiting outside of the Room of Requirement, when we go in." Harry told the table in a hushed manner. Everyone looked worried.

"We can take care of this one." The twins spoke together, nodding at Lee.

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked, looking Fred directly in the eyes. He nodded back.

"Try this." Ron put something on my plate, it was like a green mush. I shook my head, repulsed by the mould coloured mess.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I asked, pushing my plate away.

"Yes, that's right." He nodded sarcastically.

I'm alive, k bye.

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