missed Malfoy at dinner

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"There!" I muttered, zipping the dress up behind me.

"Do you like it?" I asked Hermione, walking into our room.

"That's amazing! You look great! I can't wait for next week." She said, admiring my dress.

"This is where you say 'me too' and then we talk about boys."she added rolling her eyes.

"Number one, I don't lie and number two I don't talk." I said, walking back to the bathroom to get changed again.

"I'm so hungry!" I said, running out the bathroom, down stairs and through the common room. I rounded the corner to leave through the portrait hole, when I hit someone, face first in the chest. I hit the floor and looked up.

"Trying to reverse cpr me?" Fred said reaching his hand out to help me up.

"That's a thing you know, if you give an alive person cpr, they could die." I said smiling.

"I'm a wizard, why would I chose to waist time reverse cpr-ing."  He asked me curiously.

"You'd get bored killing people the normal way." I shrugged. I carried on through the portrait hole, not bothering to wait for his response.

"Y/n, wait!" Ron's voice called. I turned around, lifting an eyebrow curiously.

"What?" I asked.

"I dunno, I was bored and you're going somewhere." Ron said, taking my hand.

"I'm hungry and, I'm going to get dinner." I pulled him along the corridor.

"But dinner doesn't start for an hour?" He stated.

"The kitchens, Ronnie." I said, turning left sharply.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that!" Ron said, pulling me back so that we'd be walking side by side.

"A Weasley?" A smug voice said behind us. I knew who that voice belonged to, Ron spun around but I stayed still.

"Surprised your mother could still afford to send you here!" He said.

"Shove off, Malfoy!" He grumbled.

"Or what." Draco threatened.I took that as my queue to turn around.

"It's a free education, Malfoy, you can't not afford to go here." I said in a monotoned voice.

"Look who's talking. Weasley's girlfriend! Honestly y/n, I thought you could do better." Malfoy mocked.

I grabbed Malfoy by the hair and whacked his head against the wall. He fell to the ground in pain.

"You don't get better than Weasley's." I hissed at him.

He groaned as he stood up, towering over me.

"Fuck you!" He whispered, he raised a hand. I didn't flinch as it came towards me, I kept eye contact untill Ron came from behind me and tackled him to the ground. Draco lay there for a second, before sitting up.

"Very protective!" He mocked.

"You don't know when to stop, do you?" I asked.

"No." He whispered.

"Take his hands." I told Ron. He grabbed Draco's hands quickly and held them behind his back. I slowly walked towards him, putting my weight onto one of his feet as it turned out the way slightly. He winced but said nothing. I put more weight on it and he began to struggle.

"Sorry, sorry!" He shouted in pain.

I took the weight off his foot and he stood up, limping away, quickly.

"Dinner?" I asked Ron, sweetly.

"Lots of it." He nodded and he took my hand as we continued down the corridor.


"Someone has been feasting!" Fred exclaimed walking in to see the empty plates on the table infront of us.

"Why didn't we think of having dinner here?" George asked.

"Dunno." Fred shrugged, sitting on the couch.

"You missed Malfoy at dinner, y/n. Bruised face and a limp. You would've loved it." Fred laughed.

"Trust me I did." I said quietly, winking at him.

"You?" George asked, a smile on his face.

"With some help from Ronnie, here." I said, clearing the plates up.

"No! Why?" Fred asked, getting excited.

"He made fun of my favorite red headed family." I shrugged taking the plates into the kitchens.

Ron pov

She walked into the kitchen, a smile on her face.

"Mate, she is a keeper." George said, ruffling my hair.

"I'm a chaser, dearest George." Y/n said, coming back from the kitchen. I chuckled a little, she always had a snarky comment to add.

We sat for half an hour explaining what happened with Malfoy, y/n made it seem like I did more than what I actually did, not that I was going to stop her.

"Grapes!" She gasped.

"Yes!" I said running into the kitchen.

"Excuse me, but would you mind getting us some grapes?" I asked the nearest elf.

"Certainly sir, right away!" The house elf panicked.

I returned with my grapes and y/n was at the other side of the room. I threw one at her, at top speed, she jumped up and caught it in her mouth, cheering happily.

"Absolutely mental, they are!" George said but Fred stood next to me and threw y/n a grape. She caught it again causing him to laugh.

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