have to come

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"Do I have to wear it?" Ron complained tugging at his tie.

"You wear one everyday, at school." I tightened it, sorting his collar.

"I don't enjoy it." He huffed.

"I promise, I will never make you wear a tie again. If you just wear it this once?" I moved his hair around, trying to find where it sits best.

"Why do I have to come anyway?" He sighed looking at me. The way he said hit a nerve. He'd never properly hurt my feeling's before. I took a deep breath sitting beside him.

"My mum is engaged, Ron. If your mum and dad were getting married, wouldn't you want me to be there?" I asked him calmly.

"It's not even the wedding." He put one of his shoes on.

"Ron, I don't care that it's not the wedding! I want you there!" I raised my voice, exasperated. He looked up, taken aback.

"I'm not asking you to enjoy it. I'm asking you to be there for me. What if I mess it up for my mum? What if Malcolm's family don't like me and they make Malcom call off the-" I stopped myself, I couldn't believe myself.

"What? That's not going to happen, at all." Ron stood up, cupping my face.

"You and George said it the other day. I'm not good with new people, I'm 'horrible', to quote George." I made air quotes, avoiding Ron's eyes and staring out my window.

"Don't listen to George. Ever." He said sternly, moving my face so I was looking directly at him.

"But he was right." I looked around Ron's face, avoiding his eyes.

"Just smile and tell them about school, people love to hear about school. And I'm sorry. I do want to come." He kissed me on the forehead.

"Don't I get to meet your grandmother?" He changed the subject a little. I hadn't realized my worries, or that I used Ron as a social crutch until now.

"Oh yeah. She carries around a bag with painting supplies at all times, so she can paint rocks if she gets bored." I laughed, holding Ron's hand that still held the side of my face.

"What are you going to wear?" He stood up, letting me go.

"That." I gestured to the long sleeved black dress that hung on the back of my door.

"Well I can't wait." Ron sighed.


Heyy pretty people! I haven't processed any information that anyone has fed me today, so I hope you're day has been better than mine.

My toe hurts, k bye.

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