run faster

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"We should probably get going." Malcom, interrupted the comfortable silence between Ron and I.

"Right, yeah." Ron stood up following Malcom. I heard the front door open.

"Where are you going?" I followed after them, I assumed they would just apperate.

"Half of my family are muggles. I have a car." Malcom pointed to the black car parked at the bottom of the garden.,

"He has a car?" I asked my mum who locked the door behind us.

"Yes, darling." She rested her hand in my back as we walked down the garden to the car.

"This is well cool." Ron grinned opening the back door, letting me in first.

"Well cool?" I questioned his sudden change in use of grammar, it didn't sound like him.

"Yeah." He nodded, running his hand across the leather seats.

"Mrs Maxwell." I heard Malcom say as he gestured for her to sit in the passengers seat. For some reason it really grabbed my attention.

"Your Gran is at Malcolm's parents house already." My mum spoke, I hadn't realized we were moving, I was still focused on the Mrs Maxwell comment.

"How is Gran anyway?" I asked her. My Gran, much like my mother, was an oddball. Did everything at once and somehow held it together.

"She's fine, she has already told Malcom about the number of 'hitmen' she knows." My mum laughed. My Gran had befriended the gang of kids that hung around her house.

"Did she warn you about her mafia leader neighbor?" I raised an eyebrow at Malcom as he drove.

"What?" He made a puzzled face in the mirror.

"Grans mental, don't eat the brownies that she offers you. And if she gives you a rock with a flower painted on it, she likes you." I looked out the window, watching trees pass me by.

"What's in the brownies?" Ron asked curious.

"Nothing fun, she's just a bad baker." Mum tapped her head, remembering.

"If her feet look off ignore it, left shoes bigger that the right." I stared at my own feet.

"Why?" Malcom asked genuinely intrigued.

"Makes her run faster." Mum and I said at the same.


A draft of the first chapter for my marvel story is on my profile. Please could you guys read it and give me feedback. Love you all xx

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