your good side

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Ron's pov

I woke up, the common room was empty, my stomach was growling and y/n was in my arms.

"Wakey, wakey!" I said, pulling her hair lightly. She murmured a little as she woke up. I watched her eyes, they sprung open unleashing a sea of green.

"Lunch time, I think." I told her, she smiled lightly and slipped off the couch.

"I'm still cold." She said, holding her hand out for me. I heaved myself off the couch taking her hand and walking towards the portrait hole.

As we walked along the corridor I realized how different she was now. She used to become suspicious whenever someone did something remotely kind for her, and now she trusted me so much she would fall asleep in my arms. She used to be quiet and observe conversations, now she would join in and give her own opinion. She used to tell us about herself, and now when you bring up something she told you she gets surprised you remembered.

"Staring, Weasley." She muttered. I let go of her hand and put my arm around her. We walked into the dining hall, a few people looked at us surprised but most didn't look up.

We sat down in our usual spot with our friends. I saw Hermione give y/n a smile as if to say sorry. Y/n blinked at her, showing no emotions leaving Hermione in the dark. I could tell y/n enjoyed the suspense.

"Nigel told me to give this to you." Harry said, an amused look in his face as he slid a photograph across the table. I stared at the photo in disbelief, Fred, George, Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Lee were stood around the couch smiling wide as y/n and I slept on the couch. The picture moved showing that they were all laughing as y/n and I rose slightly as we breathed. I felt my face redden as I watched the image replay itself.Y/n leaned over to see the picture.

"Not really your good side is it Harry?" She asked, winking at him.

"Definitely your good side." Fred replied, winking back at her. I looked down at the picture in my hands, realizing that y/n's back was facing the camera.

"You know it." She laughed, putting her hand on my shoulder to stop me going after Fred.


"The ball is in three days, how exciting!" I heard a girl laugh from behind us. I looked down at y/n as the stairs moved into place. She looked up at me shaking her head.

"Still not excited." She said.

"Yes you are." I corrected her.

"Absolutely not." She said

Y/n's pov

We began to move up the stairs and I was consumed into the crowd of people behind me, loosing sight of Ron. I figured that I'd meet him in the common room. When he didn't show up after fifteen minutes, I decided to see if he had gone to the room behind the kitchen.

As I left the common room there was a price of paper stuck to the wall.

Hide and seek

It said in Ron's chicken scratch. I thought for a minute, where would Ron hide, then I remembered. In third year Ron told me that if he ever wanted to hide somewhere he would hide in the restricted section of the library, because 'anyone insane enough to check all the way at the back of a library can have me.'

I walked quickly to the library, questioning why I was even playing. I got into the library and the first person I saw was Hermione, she smiled at me again. I looked between her and Krum who was sitting opposite her. I gave a little wave knowing that she wouldn't be able to tell who I was waving at.

I walked straight past them and into the restricted section. I checked the sixth row, knowing it was his favourite number, an sure enough he was there, looking at a diagram of a were-wolf's stomach with a disgusted look on his face. I coughed, amused. He looked up.

"Disgusting." He laughed.

"Why are you hiding from me?" I asked sitting down beside him.

"Dunno, thought it would be fun, clearly you too good." He said, closing the book.


"Come here." Ron said, pulling me away from the group.

"I'm hungry!" I said, disappointed.

"Me too, but I think that you need to let Hermione know that you don't actually care about what she said." Ron persuaded. I looked at him for a moment.

"Fine, why do you have to be a good person all the time? I was having fun." I said, pulling him back towards the dining hall.

"Sometimes I wonder why your not a Slytherin." He said following me.

"Maybe I've been fooling you this whole time." I shrugged.

"Do you have a date to the ball yet, Harry?" Ron asked as we sat down.

"Well, I would've gone with Hermione, I asked Cho but she's going with Cedric, so instead I'm going with Padma." Harry said, shooting Hermione a look

"Hey, it's not 'miones fault that you can't kick it into gear and ask someone to the dance." I said, to Harry.

"You did it, I'm so proud." Ron whispered sarcastically in my ear. Hermione notice him talking to me but turned her attention to Harry.


Thanks for reading, I appreciate it a lot. Compliment one person today, if you can.

Lots of love, stay safe

A x

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