fly into a mirror

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I woke up, heart pounding, gasping for air and clawing at my bed sheets. It's just a bad dream I told myself.

The sun was peeking through the red curtains, in my shared bedroom. I glanced at the beds of my friends, making sure I hadn't awoken any of them. Not that I had screamed, I didn't do that, ever.

Seeing as it was the weekend and I didn't have any classes, nobody would be up for another couple of hours, giving me some peace.

I hopped in the shower and let the cold water cascade down my dark sleek hair. It was getting long now, down to my waist.

When I got out of the shower I pulled on my emerald green jumper with black jeans. I chuckled to myself in the mirror, I would look great in Slytherin uniform.

I walked into the common room, taking in the sight of it being empty. The cushions were perfectly set on the couch, a woolen throw was hanging over the armchair and the fire was crackling, welcomingly.

I read for a while, catching up on my divination. Eventually, people passed through the room, heading to breakfast in the great hall.


I sat down at the long table, Harry looked up at me.
"I know the first task." He whispered, lifting the book infront of him, so that I could see it was about dragons.

"Why don't you invite me when exciting things happen? I would have loved to have found out about how dragons could potentially murder you! Also isn't that cheating?" I asked, whispering too.

"I don't think it's cheating if everybody else already knows." Harry said with a shrug.

"I taught you well, we only break the rules if it evens out the competition." I recited. He chuckled a little as I bit into my apple.

"Is Ron still not talking to you?" I asked, after a moment of silence. His eyes froze before he replied.

"Not really, but he was kind of, well not really, but sort of, the person that told me it was dragons."  He wasn't looking up from his book.

"I'd like to know how that- speak of the devil." I said, looking towards Ron, who had just walked in with Hermione by his side. Hermione raised her eyebrows and shook her head at me, clearly confused by the boys childish behaviour.

Ron sat next to me, asking me about potions with Snape. I was only half invested in the conversation, I was staring at the table.

"Can you?" He asked, waking me from my thoughts by tapping me lightly on the shoulder.

"Can I, what?" I said, snapping my head towards him.

"Help me with the homework, later?" He said slowly as if I were incompetent.

"Fine, but I'm not doing it all for you." I agreed, crossing my arms and resting them on the table.


We had gone down to the black lake for a while. It was a slightly breezy day, the sun was out but it wasn't giving off much heat so all it did was bounce off the reflections on the lake.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Ron asked, as I stared into the lake, resting on a tree.

"What?" I smiled. He sat next to me, putting his arm on my shoulder like I was an arm rest.

"I really miss Harry." He muttered. I thought carefully, for a moment.

"Apologize, then. Don't say you're annoyed at him for not telling you how to cheat. You know fine well he didn't cheat and even if he did cheat, and told you how, it's not like you would've done it too." I said, nudging him in the ribs.

After a moment of silence Ron turn to face me.
"I hate you sometimes, do you know that." He said, with a little smile.

"Only because you know I'm right." I said, returning the smile. We sat for a bit, close to each other watching the vast lake. I began to feel restless, so I stood up and started to walk along the edge of the lake.

"Where are you going?" Ron shouted after me. I stayed quiet, knowing he would follow me anyway. Just like I guessed, I heard him scuffling around before his footsteps neared.

"Most people reply." He said shoving me.

"I'm not most people." I smiled shoving him back. After about two or three minutes of silent walking a breeze had picked up and my hair was flowing loosely in the wind.

"Tie it up or something, woman. I'll be coughing up hairballs in a minute!" Ron said, from beside me. He was  down wind and his face was being pelted by my dark hair.

"Oopsies." I shrugged, pulling a hair tie from my wrist.

"Oopsies? Are you six?" Ron asked, sitting down by a big tree.

"Seven." I said, sitting next to him.

We were shielded from the wind because of the tree, and I was relatively warm, sitting by Ron's side.

"Tell me about you're Mum." Ron said,  turning his head towards me. I looked up at him surprised, he had never asked about her before.

"Why?" I said, pulling my knees to my chest.

"You haven't in a while." He said, resting his arm back on my shoulder and playing with my hair.

"Well, she wrote last week. She got a new owl, the first thing it did when she got it home, was fly into a mirror, so she called Rèflèchir it means reflect, in french." I chuckled softly.

"What's it like with no siblings?" Ron said, thoughtfully.

"I hope you're not planning anything." I smirked, looking him in the eyes.

"You know, with six siblings things are always crazy in the burrow." He said, pulling his hand away from my hair.

"Lonely, no Dad, no brothers, no sisters. Just Mum. My Gran lives in Wales." I said. I felt his hand land in mine.

"What happened to your dad?" He asked.

Well, that's the one question I will never reply too.

I just stared back at him blankly, he seemed to get the message and leaned his head against the tree.

"Shit, we still have homework." He said suddenly.


Hello, I've rewritten this a few times. So if you think this is bad, you should have read the first draft.
Bye x

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