I want to break free

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Ron's pov
She was sat on the wide window sill staring at the book in her hands but I could tell she wasn't reading.

"Where did you go?" I asked, approaching her.

"First, I went to see Draco, he isn't confused anymore and he definitely missed me on purpose. Then, I went to find Lee because I was bored, you want to know what he was doing?" She asked.

"Kissing Katie Bell!" She replied, to the question I never asked, looking exhausted.

"And that's a bad thing because..." I asked her, confused.

"Because they should be in class, they have OWL's this year. I know I should've been in class too, but I really wasn't learning much and Moody hates me anyway." She told me, resting her head against the wall behind her.

"But you went to find him, to get him out of class, so why are you annoyed?" I asked her again, I saw the realisation hit her face.

"Nevermind then, he's off the hook this time." She said her eyes closing. Her breathing slowed and got heavier, I left her in her window seat and joined Harry on the couch.

"Is she alright?" Harry asked me, when I sat down.

"I'm not sure, let her sleep though." I said leaning back.

"What happened this morning and last night, what were you fighting about?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing that I can repeat." I said to him.

"Not even to your best friend?" Harry asked making puppy dog eyes at me.
"It's not just random fight, it's traumatizing, I'd rather not." I silenced his questions.

Suddenly y/n shot up, in her seat waking her self up.

"What is it?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Nothing, I just want to stay awake." She said coming over and sitting on the coffee table infront of us. Harry frowned at me but turned back to y/n.

"So, if you had done the duel properly, what would your happy memories have been?" Harry asked inquiringly.
Y/n smirked thinking for a minute.

"One would be... my mum on the train screaming an laughing in freedom, she was happy and I was happy no questions asked." She smiled.

"Not Ron? That's gotta hurt!" Harry joked, shoving me sideways.

"I said one would be." She protested.

"Fair enough." Harry said leaning back against the couch.

We continued to talk y/n's kept drifting off to sleep her head in her hands, but waking up only seconds later.

"Dinner time!" George called strolling through the common room.

"I'm starving." Y/n said, following him out.

"She's not okay, is she?" Harry asked me as we slowly made our way to the portrait hole.

"She will be." I assured him, but I wasn't so sure myself.

Y/n's pov

I kept pace with George all the way to the hall, knowing Ron wanted to talk to me. I sat with George pleading that more people would come so that Ron wouldn't try to ask me anything.

"Toad in the hole" George said rubbing his hands together.

"Delicious." Lee said, appearing. I smiled at him knowingly.

"What?" He asked sitting down.

"Where were you last class, Lee?" I asked him.

"How did you find out?" He asked me, embarrassed.

"Draco tried to crucio me, so I left that class, tried to find you but you were... Occupied." I said, smiling at him.

"Draco tried to crucio you?" Lee said, angrily.

"Don't change the subject, I'm having fun." I complained, realising my mistake of telling him about Draco.

"Fine, you saw what you saw. Draco?"
He asked.

"He was just having some devilish fun, it's fine." I shrugged as Ron sat down.

"I know someone else who was having fun!" Ron teased Lee.

"He knows?" Lee asked, exasperated.

"Knows what?" Fred asked from beside Lee.

"He kissed Katie." Ron said, pointing at Lee.

"That's where you were?" George said, not really bothered.

"Shit, yes I was. Leave me be!" Lee said, slamming his fork into the pastry on his plate. We all laughed, enjoying his embarrassment.


Ron's pov

A record player was sat on the table as we walked into the common room.
"My Gran sent new records, Fred a George put an enchantment on them to get it into the school." Neville said proudly. Y/n's eyes widened as she walked towards him smiling.
"What records do you have?" She asked, interested.
"All muggle bands, erm, Queen?" He said pulling a record out of his pile.
"Never heard of them." Fred shrugged behind me. Y/n's jaw dropped as the music began to play.

"Break Free, the perfect song to introduce them to." Neville nodded at y/n. She smiled wide as the introduction came to a halt.

"I want to break free. I want to break free, I want to break free from your lies, your so self satisfied I don't need you. God knows, God knows I want to break free!" She sang with Neville.

Suddenly she turned to me and shouted.
"I've fallen in love!" She grabbed my hand and started dancing around the common room with me. Other people started to dance, some singing. Colin Creevy appeared with his camera, snapping pictures of us all.

We collapsed on the couch laughing as the song ended, y/n's eyes sparkling with happiness. I looked at the clock it was nine.

"Why don't you go to bed?" I whispered to her. Her face fell.

"Okay." She said, standing up.

"And sleep!" I called after her.

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