one sock

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An hour or so went by before footsteps could be heard echoing down the hallway.

"Y/n! I do believe you had an appointment that you failed to show up to this afternoon." Umbridge's shrill voice echoed around the hospital wing.

"She's been in here all day." Malcom stood up.

"I think she's completely fine, I mean-" Umbridge was enterupted by Hermione storming into the room.

"It was Umbridge it had to be her, they both touched the door!" She announced before turning a bright shade of red. Umbridge who was still facing my had turned a similar shade and her eyes had grown wide.

"How dare you accuse me of such things!" She screeched, stamping her foot on the ground.

"Im absolutely disgusted by the behavior of this... friend group!" She continued.

"One more toe out of line for any of you and you shall have all hogsmeade privileges taken away!" She spun on her heel and stormed out the room.

"She did this?" Malcom asked pointing to the spot where she once stood. Hermione nodded.

"I'll report it to the ministry, now." He began to head out of the room.

"It's pointless, she works for the ministry." Ron said from beside me.

"This is ridiculous. It was nice seeing you, y/n." Malcom muttered as he walked from the room.

"Bye!" I called after him, sighing. Ron put his face in his palms. I stood up from the bed and quickly headed for Madame Pomfreys office, everyone watched but said nothing.

"Come in." She called after I knocked.

"I'm feeling much better and I was wondering if I could stay the night in my dorm?" I asked. She nodded and gestured for me to leave.

"Right, let's go." I said, walking straight past everyone and towards the door.

"Guess we're leaving." Harry followed me out.


"You are... So many nargles... I can help." Luna ran across the common room, leaving Neville at the portrait hole.

"Every one of you." She looked at us all, lounged about the common room.

"Apart from the twins, why is that?" She asked, smiling at them.

"We're leaving." They said nonchalantly.

"What?" Ginny shot up in her seat.

"Not now, at the end of next term. We're going to open up Weasley Wizard Wheezes." George explained.

"What, you're actually going to?" Ron put his chin in his hand.

"Yes, Ron, we're actually going to." Fred nodded.

"Don't tell mum." George leant forwards putting his elbows on his knees.

"Or what?" Ron asked mirroring him.

"Or I'll put a family of spiders in your bed." George replied, Ron went pale.

"Ten galleons." Ginny raised an eyebrow.

"Done." Fred shook her hand.

"Hang on, how does she get money?" Ron retorted.

"Spiders Ronnie, spiders." George patted him on the shoulder.

"Are you feeling better?" Neville asked sitting down beside me.

"Somewhat." I nodded.

"What d'you mean?" Neville asked.

"Umbridge, she's the one that did this to me. She's destroyed Hogwarts." I shrugged.

"I don't like that woman very much, but if she wasn't here we wouldn't have the DA and I like the Da, it's like having a big group of friends." Luna said, holding up two crystal necklaces and slowly swinging them back and forth.

"We are your friends Luna." Neville nodded, I nodded too.

"That's good." She said not taking her eyes off the necklaces.

"Did you find any of your things?" Ron asked, stroking my hair.

"Yes, I found my bracelet and Neville found his sock." Luna said as the necklaces slowed.

"How'd you loose one sock, mate?" Ron asked Neville, who just shrugged.

The group all began their own conversations, leaving Ron and I to our thoughts. I rested my head against his chest listening to the sound of his heart. His hand traced patterns on my back. We stayed this way for hours as the common room emptied.

"I'm sorry." Ron whispered into the room.

"What did you do this time?" I asked lifting my head from his chest.

"I mean, I'm sorry Umbridge made you sick and destroyed the back of your hand." He said, pulling me towards him. I was now almost lying on top of him.

"You didn't do that to me, you don't get to apologise." I said kissing him lightly on the cheek.

He brushed the hair from my face, before kissing my lips gently at first but it soon became more intense. His hand resting on the back my thigh. My hands against his chest.

"I love you." He whispered as he pulled away.

"I love you too." I replied leaning back in, barely giving him time to breathe.


Sorry about the wait for this chapter. You can expect three more chapters this week.

I don't know if you know this but I can see the names of your reading lists when you add this story to them. Some of you are very creative, to say the least.

Until next time,

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