is a toaster.

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Y/n pov

"A television!" Arthur wheeled in a t.v.

"Where did you get that?" Harry asked, smiling at the confused looks on everyone else's faces.

"Work of course, we're passing it around everyone and I get it first but only for this weekend." Arthur said proudly.

"What vhs's have you got?" Harry asked, Arthur's face fell.

"What?" He asked Harry.

"You need to put a vhs onto the slot for it to play a movie. You'll probably get the news or crappy t.v without it, though." Harry smiled at the lack of knowledge of everyone else in the room.

"No, I want a vhs. Only the best." Arthur nodded.

"Right, well there's a tesco around the corner. We can pick something out, right?" Harry looked between me and Ron. We both nodded but Ron had no idea what was going on.

"Well, off you go then. It's dark out, mind. Be careful." Arthur ushered us it of the living room. I grabbed my jacket and headed out the front door.

"So what is a tesco and a vhs?" Ron asked me, handing me some gloves.

"Tesco's a shop, vhs is like a box with a video in it." I explained taking the gloves from him.

"Y/n, both your parents are magical." Harry said, seemingly stating what we already knew.

"Oh, right. My mum's muggle born." I understood he was asking how I knew so much about muggle things.

"You've got money?" Ron double checked with Harry as we walked along the cold stone road. He nodded I'm response.

"Is there a Christmas tree at Sirius'?" I asked, kicking stone across the pavement.

"I didn't see one." Harry shook his head. One of my favorite things about  Christmas was decorating the tree. Ron put his arm over my shoulder as we walked.

"There it is, Tesco's." Harry did little jazz hands as we walked through the car park. A car started up behind us making Ron jump.

"I swear driving that car into the womping willow gave me a fear for life." He shook his head as I chuckled a little.

"Remember this is a muggle place, be normal." Harry prepared Ron as we walked in the door.

"Godric it's bright in here." Ron muttered.

"Godric isn't muggle normal." I reminded him.

"What's that?" He asked pointing at a toaster.

"That, my dearest Ron, is a toaster. A revolutionary, marvelous creation. That allows you to cook bread... Again." Harry explained, a lady further up the aisle gave him a weird look.

"This way, I think." Harry led us through the shop to a stand. It was full of Christmas movies.

"Home alone. Hmm, looks good." Harry read the back of the case.


Surprise! Another short chapter today. Wait not today it's 12:23, so tomorrow. Wait... Nvm I'm confusing myself.

I'm gonna ask again; what do I write a 'personal reflective essay' on?

Also thanks to Poppymalfoyii for your kind message. And everyone else feel free to message me about anything!


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