like a cocoon

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I woke to the feeling of falling and it was put to a halt when my head hit a cushion on the common room floor. I opened my eyes and smiled at Ron who was standing above me.

"Morning!" I said in a sing song voice.

"How did that not scare you?" Ron asked, pulling me up from the ground.

"I'm a witch, I don't scare easy." I winked at him.He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in closer.

"Seeing as it's technically the Christmas holidays, will you build a snowman with me, today?" Ron asked, hesitantly.

"It's snowing?" I gasped, looking around Ron and out of the window. I looked back at Ron who was smiling at me, oddly.

"I'll build a snowman with you, if you..." I thought for a moment. Ron rested his forehead on my own, causing me to lose focus.

"I'll decide later." I said, before kissing him.


"Y/n!" Lee shouted to me as I walked into the dining hall for breakfast. He was pretty much by himself, as expected at 8 in the morningo on the first day of the holidays.

"What does am elf learns at school?" He asked holding in a giggle.

"The elphabet!" He laughed unable to wait for my guess.

"Okay." I shrugged.

"Hey, Lee. Why did you leave me asleep on the couch last night? You were the last person I was with, right?" I asked.

"Well, I couldn't wake you up and I could've carried you to bed, not that Ron would like that, but then, your the sort of person that wouldn't take to kindly to being carried around in the middle of the night." He replied, nodding to Ron who was strolling into the room.

"Fair enough." I shrugged.

"I'm going to go find the twins, there wiring on new tricks." Lee said, finishing his cereal.

"Have I got competition?" Ron asked sarcastically, sitting down beside me and nodding at Lee who had just left.

"He's practically my big brother!" I laughed a little not realizing it was true till I said it.

"I think that we should build the snowman on the quidditch field." He nodded at me.

"Okay, you're the professional." I said, smiling at him. He looked around us before planting a kiss on my cheek.

"You're the best." He said.

"I hate you." I laughed, pecking him.

"I hate you too." He said.

"Now the snowman!" he dragged me away from my breakfast and up to my dorm.

I knocked lightly, there was no reply so I assumed everyone was asleep. I walked in, Ron followed behind me.

"Woah, it's like ours, except you can see the floor." He laughed, quietly, looking around him.

"Is this your dress?" He asked walking towards the red dress that was on a hanger, hanging from the curtain rail.

"It's great, it'll make my dress robes look even worse, if that's even possible."

I pulled a hat and scarf from my drawers, before reaching for the jacket on the back of the door.

"Ronald?" Hermione asked, looking confused, as she woke up.

"We'll be out you hair in a second, 'mione.' I said, pulling my hat over my hair. I looked around for my gloves, I found them in my jacket pocket.

"Y/n? Can we talk for a second?" Hermione asked slowly.

"Out." I pointed to the door and looked at Ron, he strolled out the room.

"You didn't come in last night and I wake up to Ronald Weasley in my bedroom?" She scolded me.

"I fell asleep in the common room last night with Lee, who was too lazy to wake me up. I was trying to eat my breakfast but Ron practically carried me here so that we could build a snowman. None of these events are my own fault so, kindly, leave me be and if you have something to say, say it to the people that are responsible." I said smiling the whole time.

"That's believable." Hermione replied, rolling her eyes.

I walked out of the room, slightly annoyed at Hermione treating me like her daughter.

"What was that about?" Ron asked, grabbing my hand.

"Hermione thinks I spent all night with you, she's playing the 'I know better.' card. An acting like I'm going to do something that'll end with her saying 'i told you so.'" I explained, rolling my eyes at her stupidity.

"Well, that's Granger for you."he said like he was warning me. I nodded, shaking it off.


"And a carrot nose!" Ron said, slamming a carrot into the snowman's head. It crumbled apart at his force and ended up as a pile of snow on the already snow covered ground. We liked at it for a second, shivering from the cold, before bursting out in laughter.

"Come on, I'm frozen." Ron said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked off the quidditch field. The second we got inside, my body surged with the feeling of pins and needles. We stayed up to the common room that was full of people, that seemed to clear out as we came in. We collapsed on the floor infront of the fire.

When I heated up enough to take in my surroundings, I realised that I was on Ron's lap and clutching his neck. He was sat on the floor his legs stretched infront of him, his toes almost touching the fire. People around the common room were giving us the occasional glance.

"Wizard chess?" Ron asked me.

"I couldn't play if your life depended on it." I laughed, pulling my legs from his and laying down on the couch behind us.

"My life?" Ron asked.

"Yes, your life." I nodded, closing my eyes.

I felt a sudden pressure beside me and I fluttered my eyes open. Ron had lay down beside me, and was now wrapping his arms around me. I felt the gaze of one of the first years, that was sitting in the armchair that we usually occupied, but I ignored it and enjoyed the moment. My head was rested on Ron's chest and I could hear his heart beating. He was like a cocoon, keeping me warm and happy as I drifted off to sleep.

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