
999 25 15

Um, Hi.

First, I'd like to apologise for not posting for ten days. I've been quite busy, also it snowed here for the first time in a few years so I've been making the most of that.

Second, thank you so much for 977 reads. It's unreal that I started writing this because I was bored and now people read it. But almost 1000 reads!That's more reads than people that live in my village. That's right I live in a village, please don't bully me about sounding like I'm in a disney movie (it's happened before).

Third, I have been working on another story. Now that I realise people actually read my bad writing, I decided to start a good story. I will write the entire story and then post two chapters a day. I'm about ten chapters in and I plan on making it around fifty, I've been writing it for about a week.

If you have any ideas or feedback, comment here or message me. Criticism is helpful.

I'll post a new chapter tomorrow

Bye for now,

A x

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