while I'm half naked

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Ron's pov

"Did you mean that?" I asked y/n, who was stood in the hall a smirk on her face.

"What?" She asked, frowning.

"Well, you sounded like you had been planning it." I sighed, staring at the floor.

"Ron." She said in an almost whisper.

"You sounded like you'd been planning it." I said again, wrapping my arms around her small waist.

"Just a quick thinker, I guess." She smiled, kissing me on the cheek.

"I don't believe you." I smiled at her but she seemed distracted.

"And I don't lie. Its also almost two in the morning. I'm going to bed." She shrugged.

"Night night." I said, ruffling her hair before heading towards Harry and my room.

Y/n pov

I closed the door behind me quietly, as to not wake the already sleeping girls. I sat on the bed combing my fingers through my hair as I thought.

I was madly in love with Ron, I know I've said it before but, somehow it felt more real now.

My thought were interrupted by the sound of someone walking down the stairs. I stood up and walked out the door and towards the sound, eager to find out who was on the stairs.

I glanced round to corner just in time to catch Sirius walking into the kitchen. I hurried down the stairs quietly.

"Evening." I smiled as I walked into the kitchen. He jumped, before reaching out to take a glass out of the cupboard and filling it with water.

"What are you doing up?" He asked turning to look at me.

"Talking to you." I shrugged, leaning against the counter. He raised his head slightly, making him seem more awake.

"I'm thinking about Harry and his future, our future." He told me, taking a sip of water.

"I get it, if he is excluded from Hogwarts he could spend so much missed time with you, but then..."

"He'd be excluded form Hogwarts." Sirius finished for me.

"I spoke to Harry. His friends he needs them, they all serve him differently. Ron is his comfort, he can rely on him. Hermione is smart, she helps him. But you, you're different and I don't know why." He sighed, looking at me accusingly.

"I'm the best." I nodded, pulling myself up to sit on the counter beside Sirius.

"That you are." He laughed, putting his glass of water down.

"He needs you though, he really does. And I need you to promise me you will never let him make a decision that you know wont better him." Sirius looked at me seriously.

"Pinky promise." I smiled, sticking my pinky in the air.

"Pinky promise." He laughed back, locking his pinky in mine.

"Thought I heard voices." Someone said in the doorway. It was Ginny. Sirius smiled warmly at the girl.

"What're you doing awake?" She asked us both.

"Talking to y/n," Sirius told her picking up his water and winking at me, before leaving the room. Ginny waited for Sirius to get to the top of the stairs before she spoke.

"Do you think Harry will be okay?" She asked me worriedly.

"Yes, I do." I nodded certainly.

"Why are you always so sure about things?" She asked me.

"Give me a reason to doubt that Harry won't be okay." I said, shrugging.

"He broke the law!" She said loudly.

"Draco Malfoy tried the cruciatus curse on me. He turned up at school less than two days later because his dad talked him out of it." I replied, sliding off the counter.

"Harry doesn't have a dad to stick up from him!" Ginny argued.

"Yes, but he has a reason for his doing. A good reason for his doing. And his little old neighbor as his witness." I said calmly. Ginny sighed a little before she smiled and turned on her heal walking away, leaving me in the kitchen.


"Harry, get up." I muttered shaking the boy awake.

"Y/n what are you doing in here?" Harry asked, scrambling to pull the covers over his shirtless chest.

"Yeah what are you doing in here?" Ron muttered from behind me.

"I'm waking Harry up so that he can eat breakfast, talk to Sirius and then go to his hearing." I sighed, pulling Harry's duvet off and throwing it on the floor.

Harry groaned and rolled out the bed, picking up his clothes and heading down the hall to the bathroom.

"Close the curtains?" Ron asked me, from beneath his duvet.

"No, you can get up too." I smiled, walking over too his bed.

"What time is it?" He asked, poking his head out from beneath the covers, his hair was a mess and his eyes were only half open.

"I'm not sure, it's like sevenish." I shrugged.

"Why are you up at seven? Come here." He reached out an arm pulling me into his warm bed. The truth was I had only gotten a couple hours sleep last night.

"I'm up at seven to keep your best friend in check." I snuggled into him, my head on his chest.

He heaved a sigh and he began to breath heavily. I put my feet against his and he yelled, pulling his legs away from me.

"Bloody hell,y/n. Your feet are like ice!" He shouted but it turned into laughter.

"Go to sleep." He told me as he stopped laughing.

"No, we need to get up." I said firmly, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of bed.

"Why?" He whined,wrapping his hands around me, hugging me as he closed his eyes.

"Stop it, Weasley. Get dressed,I'm hungry and I want my breakfast." I said pulling his arms off of me.

"Fine." He said, mockingly and he rolled his eyes before smirking at me and pulling his shirt off.

"I hate you." I smiled, leaning in to kiss him.

"Woah!" Harry exclaimed, shocked.

"I know, I didn't know he was built like this either but damn!" I said standing back, next to Harry and looking Ron up and down. Ron chuckled a little pulling his clean shirt over his head.

"Please don't kiss in my bedroom, while your half naked." Harry warned him.

"Fine with me, we'll just kiss in the living room while I'm half naked." I winked at Harry, his face went bright red and I left the room.

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