before you hurt someone

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"No, the other hand." Hermione pulled Harry's hand out from beneath his book and traced over the purple bruise that had blood red words etched in the middle off it. Umbridge had used an enchanted quill, and not the kind that helps you to cheat on tests,the kind that write your words on the back of your hand.

"You've got to tell Dumbledore." Hermione told him instantly.

"No, he's got enough on his mind right now, anyways I wouldn't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction." Harry shook his head.

"Bloody hell Harry the woman's torturing you. If the parents knew about this." Ron shook his head in disbelief.

"Yeah well I haven't got any of those, have I?" Harry fired back. Ron and Hermione went quiet and for once I spoke up.

"You don't get to pull that card, not this time! You have Sirius, Remus, Molly, Arthur, McGonagall and Moody. They might not be Lily and James, but for Merlin's sake Harry! That's six people that would sacrifice everything for you, do you know what I would give to have that many people care about me so much? So what if it gives one old cow satisfaction, it stops a hundred other people getting their hands ripped to shreds!" I scolded him, I was quiet but you could hear the rage in my voice.

"No. I'm not going to Dumbledore." Harry said stubbornly, I stood up from my seat heading towards him, I was getting hot headed.

"Hey! Sit down, sit down!" Lee ran from the other end of the common room, shoving me back in my chair.

"Chill out, before you hurt someone." Lee said, slowly releasing his grip from my shoulders. I got up and walked out of the common room quickly, heading towards the girls dorms.

Why was Harry so ignorant? I understand not wanting to give in to Umbridge but trying to guilt trip us. That was just one step too far. He has so many people that would die for him, including myself, yet he takes us for granted. I wish I was half as lucky as Harry.

A knock at the door woke me from my thoughts. I realized I was sat against the door, I stood up and opened it slowly. Hermione pulled me into a hug, her eyes were watering.

"Hermione, what the matter?" I asked prying her away from me. Her eyes were no longer watering.

"Hermione talk to me." I told her pulling her over to my bed, I sat down cross legged waiting for her to tell em what was wrong.

"I just worry about Harry and you sometimes." She started.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" I asked, slightly offended not mostly curious.

"You get angry instead of upset or jealous or annoyed. And your coping mechanisms for anger aren't exactly rational." She blurted out. She covered her mouth after saying it, like she had sworn at church.

"I've realized that, I think I get the anger problems from my Dad. It scares me, what if I turn out like him?" I said in my usual manner. I looked Hermione dead in the eyes and suddenly we were both laughing nervously.

"You could never be like your Dad." Hermione reassured me.

"I've never had a girl best friend before. Always boy's." I told her for no reason.

"Well, there's a first time for everything." She smiled, before she looked annoyed.

"Harry was out of order though, he should go to Dumbledore." She nodded.

"Why don't you?" I asked, she sighed as she stared at her hands.

"Don't you remember that time in third year, when Harry got a firebolt but he wouldn't tell McGonagall that he didn't know who sent it to him. Then I got worried so I went to McGonagall because I didn't want it to be hexed." She told me the story that I already knew.

"I just don't want to be the friend they don't tell things, because they're afraid I'll do the 'correct' thing." She continued using air quotes. We sat in comfortable silence for a little bit.

"Why don't we have a girls night?" Hermione asked.

"Girls night?" I asked, a slightly disgusted look on my face.

"I'll get Ginny, we'll talk about boys, paint our nails, do each other's hair. It'll be fun." She reassured me, something told me Ginny wouldn't be too keen either.

When Hermione returned with an annoyed Ginny she pulled two small bottles of nail polish from her bedside cabinet.

"Why are we doing this?" Ginny whispered in me ear as Hermione searched around for a hairbrush. I shrugged.


"So Ginny, boys?" Hermione inquired as she blew her sparkly pink nails dry. Ginny and I had opted out of the sparkly pink and instead chose out only other option, dark red.

"Well... Dean Thomas, I like him."Ginny said, hesitantly.

"Dean Thomas? Not Harry?" I asked confused, I had caught the looks Ginny had given Harry over the past few weeks. Not once have I seen Dean and Ginny having a conversation.

"What? Harry, no of course not." She shook her head quickly, but her bright red face gave her away.

"Really, Harry! I would never have known." Hermione shook her head in surprised before her face struck with realization.

"How did you know?" She asked me, surprised by my knowledge.

"I sit in silence and listen to conversations. I also watch people doing the same thing as me, listening not contributing. I see you looking at him, even if everybody is looking at him, you will watch him for just one second longer than everyone else before you look away." I told them as I screwed the lid into the foul smelling nail polish.

"What about Ron?" Ginny asked, diverting the conversation.

"You'd rather hear about your brothers love life than admit you like Harry?" Hermione laughed. Ginny just glared at her.

"What do you want to know?" I asked her.

"To start, you two seem quite mismatched, he's like this food loving, quidditch loving, annoying prat. You're like a scary chihuahua, quiet, small you seem harmless, but your terrifying. Why him?" Ginny asked, I was taken aback by her actual interest.

"Opposites attract. And I think your forgetting that I love food too. Oh, and don't ever compare me to a chihuahua again." I smiled a little.

"What about Hermione?" I asked, averting the attention from myself.

"Oh, I don't know." She shrugged, leaning back. I rolled my eyes as her face grew red.


Thanks for reading. I just hit 350 reads, I know it's not a lot but this is my first story so I'm happy.

Take care of yourself

A x

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