turned me green

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"Frederick Gideon Weasley, stop it now!" Molly's voice scolded as I walked into the kitchen. About five quills were floating in the air, pointing at Ginny like missiles. Fred was stood at the other side of the kitchen, his face bright green. Remus was say at the table between then looking rather fed up.

"Mum, she made me green!" He retorted, his wand still raised. Ginny looked both petrified and amused as she looked at her green brother.

"Fred." Molly said sternly. Fred flicked the wand lightly, ink splashing from the quills, the landed on the table. Ginny wiped a speckle of ink from her face, smirking.

"She used my own invention against me." Fred reached into his pocket pulling out a wrapped sweet. As he bit into it his face returned to it's usual shade. Remus chuckled.

"I thought I told you to stop making those." Molly raised her eyebrows at Fred her hands on her hips. Fred shrugged looking away and noticing me standing in the doorway.

"Green, she turned me green." He shook his head. Ginny looked proud off herself.

"Sorry about that darling, can I get you anything?" Molly's stern tone changed to a kind one.

"I'm fine, thanks. Have you see Harry?" I asked, everyone shook their heads.

"In the attic, with Sirius." George said from behind me as he came down the stairs.

"The attic?" I asked confused. He nodded and shrugged at the same time.

I headed up to the attic climbing the creaky wooden ladders to get their. I could hear voices from inside.

"Harry?" I called. The voices stopped. I pulled myself into the dusty room looking around.

"Harry?" I called again.

"Over here." Harry called, emerging from behind an old dresser.

"Look." Harry handed me a photograph. A boy that looked so similar to Harry, it was almost uncanny, was stood next to a younger Sirius.

"Is that your dad?" I asked as another photo off young Sirius and one of young Remus was slid into my hand.

"Yes, that's James. I found these photos about a month ago. I have no idea how they got here or when they were taken." Sirius replied staring at the photos.

Harry handed me another, it was smaller than the rest of the pictures but it had all three of them in it. The edge of the paper looked as though it hand been torn.

"Traitor." I heard Sirius mumble under his breath.

"I should show these to Remus." Sirius took the pile of photographs from me and climbed back down the ladder.

"Can I help you, y/n?" Harry asked.

"Oh yeah, can you teach me to play chess?" I asked, Harry looked confused.

"I got Ron the Chudley Cannons chess set for Christmas. So I thought why not learn to play?" I shrugged.

"Where is Ron?" Harry asked.

"He's sill in bed, can you teach me?" I asked hopefully. He nodded, smiling.


Your reading lists have some pretty funky names. But thanks for adding  my fic to them.

Just out of curiosity, what do you think I look like?

Anyway, have a good day


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