we can get married by the oak tree

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I sat next to Harry, opposite George. Dinner was loud, there were even more people than yesterday.

"Ahh, apparently you are my favorite student." Moody said gruffly, from further down the table.

"I'd love to say you were my favorite teacher, but I'm afraid Remus, here, takes your place." I sighed pointing to, Lupin.

"And why's that?" He asked, amused.

"Well, nobody tried to torture me, he wasn't thrown in a box by crouch junior, he taught me more than any other DADA teacher and, to top it all off, he's a werewolf." I said, eyeing Moody warily.

"Fair enough." He said, looking back to Harry.

"I wonder who this year's DADA teacher will be?" Ron said quietly. He was staring at me intently, as if the question was aimed at me.

"I'm getting... the colour pink... horrid yet genius." I muttered, impersonating Trelawney and swirling the tea around my mug. I felt a kick under the table from George. I looked up and realized that I was being stared at by most faces at the table.

"Buy of a serious situation going on down this end of the table." Sirius
spoke up, from the silence that surrounded me. He looked at me a small smile on his face before it fell and Remus to speak again.

"Now Voldemort has returned, and I'm afraid the minister will do anything to avoid facing that terifying truth." He continued, harry was glancing up and down from the newspaper in his hands.

"We think that Voldemort is building up an army again. Fourteen years ago he had a huge number at his command, and not just witches and wizards, but all matters of dark creatures. He has been recruiting heavily and we have been attempting to do the same but gathering followers isn't the only thing he is interested in-" Sirius said gruffly. Moody coughed behind him, interrupting his speech.

"We believe that he is after something, something he didn't have last time."  Sirius continued, ignoring Moody.

"Sirius." Moody warned him.

"You mean like a, a weapon?" Harry asked. Hermione and I made eye contact, completely annoyed by Harry's obliviousness.

He was what Voldemort wanted, but even I don't have the heart to tell him.

"No that's enough. He's just a boy! You say anymore and you might as well induct him to the order!" Molly scolded, dropping her cutlery and pulling the newspaper from Harry's hands.

"Good I want to join! If Voldemort is raising an army the I want to fight!" Harry shouted back. Sirius clapped his hands together and sat back in his chair, proudly. He winked at Harry slightly and Molly sat down angrily.


After dinner we sat in the twins dimly lit bedroom.

"It's madness!" George cried, throwing his hands in the air.

"It's monopoly." I sighed, laughing at him.

"Look, we can play in pairs." Hermione smiled, nodding at Fred.

"There's seven of us." Ron counted on his fingers.

"I understand it, I'll play on my own." Ginny shrugged, giving Ron a mocking look.

"How'd you understand it? She explained it thirty seconds ago!" He said exasperated.

"I listened, when she explained it thirty seconds ago!" Ginny argued back.

"Wait till they find out there's only one car." I said quietly, nudging Hermione. She chuckled slightly before reaching out a picking up the small silver car.

"Fred and I are the car!" She called, laughing at the look on my face.

"Ron and I are the hat!" I shouted back sticking my tongue out at her and Fred.

"Why a hat?" Ron mumbled beside me.

"Hats are cool." I mumbled back, Harry was watching us all a small smile on his face.

"Pick a piece for you and George, then." I said, counting my money.

"No, me first." Ginny laughed, hitting Harry's hand away from the box. His smile grew and his eyes fixed on Ginny who had just pulled a small silver wheelbarrow from the box.

"So we get an iron?" George said disappointed.

The game consisted of Ginny buying Mayfair then bullying Ron and I for spending most of the time in jail, Harry and George buying all the worst streets and Hermione and Fred arguing with each other about who gets to roll the dice.

"I liked that game." Ginny laughed as she closed the lid.

"Yeh, 'cause you won." Ron huffed, he was sat behind me and was playing with the hem of my t-shirt.

Hermione gave a sad laugh, she was staring at me. I knew that she was thinking about what Sirius had said at dinner, that Harry had missed. I gave her an unsure look and turned to face Harry.

"You should probably get some rest, you'll be up early for the hearing tomorrow." I said to him, nodding goodnight.

"I'm going to bed too." Hermione announced. Ginny stood up quickly and followed them out the room.

I turned my head towards George, who was looking between Ron and I, a confused look plastered on his face. He noticed me looking at him and he jumped.

"Y/n, do you want children?" George asked me suddenly.

"Not with you." I grimaced.

"No, obviously not. It's just when you told Harry to go to bed, you sounded very motherly, so I was trying to picture you as a mother. Then I was trying to picture your children. They would be little spawns of  the devil, with you as their mother." George rambled.

"Mate, you proper freaked Ron out." Fred laughed pointing at Ron. I looked behind to see a bright red face with shocked eyes staring back at me. I laughed a little.

"Lots of children. At least four." I said, trying to sound serious. Ron swallowed, his eyes growing wider.

"Not to mention your wedding." Fred remindede, a grin on his face.

"Oh, of course. Well, your children will be the ring bearers and flower girls-" I said nodding to Fred and George.

"- Lee, Ginny and Hermione will be the bridesmaids. I assume that Harry will be our best man. I want a gorgeous wedding dress, a big cake, lots of guests and a firework performance from my favourite twins. Mum will walk me down the isle." I smiled, watching all the boys faces as the all began to believe me.

"Arthur will be officiating. We'll be outside the burrow, we can get married by the oak tree. Of course we will have a lot of food, maybe a buffet?" I said trying not to laugh. The three faces were watching me, confused and worried.

"I'm kidding." I said, they all let out a breath.

"You had me there, I'm not gonna lie." Fred laughed, shaking his head.

"Almost fooled me, almost." George laughed along. I turned to Ron who was laughing but didn't look me in the eyes.

"Right, I'm going to bed." I said, standing up and heading for the door.

"Wait, a second y/n." Ron said standing up and following me out.

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