swallow before you speak

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"Hermione gets here today." Harry reminded me as I bit into my toast. I smiled, while I chewed.

"That's my favorite one, she isn't as crazy as you lot." Arthur joked from the head of the table.

"She'll have more muggle thinks for you, we asked her to bring some." Ron told his father. Arthur's face lit up.

"Do you think she'll tell me about the lawn mower? How does it work?" He asked us all, excited.

"No idea, Arthur. Hermione will be here to answer all your questions when you get back from work, which your late for, by the way?" Molly kissed him on the cheek waving him goodbye.

"We should build snowmen today." Ginny glanced out the window at the cold, snowy street.

"Remember the one we built last year." Ron spoke with his mouth full beside me.

"The one you destroyed with a carrot?" I asked sarcastically.

"That's the one." He nodded, his mouth still full. Molly caught sight of his manners, or rather lack off.

"Ronald Weasley, swallow before you speak." She scolded, across the table I could see the twins holding on their laughs at her comment. Fortunately they had their back to her so she couldn't see them sniggering. Unfortunately George began to choke on the food he had been chewing. Fred has to slap him across the back a few times to name sure he was okay.


A little chapter, just because. I'll write a bigger one tomorrow.

I started an mcu story today, but I've only written one chapter. It's on my profile if you're interested.bit it doesn't have a name yet so any suggestions would be great.

Smile and have a good day, byeee.

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