Where's she from

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"Nice to meet you, darling let me take your coat." A smiley blonde lady, introduced to me as Malcom's mother, took my jacket.

"Thank you." I said quietly, the sounds of the busy house grabbed my attention.

Thereust have been about thirty people, I could hear cups clinking and a deep laughter.

"Your mother's here, Lillian." Malcom's mother, frowned a little at me, I realized my mistake.

"Y/n, this is Ron." I smiled at her, her face lit up.

"Estera, nice to meet you both." She grinned. Placing a hand on my back she began to guide me through, behind my mother. I gave Ron a look, he shrugged following after.

A cheer erupted fromthe dining room as Malcom and mum entered, I quickened my lace a little so that I could walk behind them and go unnoticed while we took out seats.

"Ah this must be the gorgeous, y/n. Its very mice to meet you!" An overly happy lady, smiled brightly at me. I wasn't quick enough.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled, she bent down kissing my cheek's.

"Kim." She clutched her hand to her chest. I looked just behind her, spotting my grandmother.

"Gran!" I said happily, ignoring this Kim lady.

"Hello, hunny. I see your man." She pointed to Ron who was Kims next victim.

"Yes, he'll be over in a second. How are you?" I spoke with her, almost everyone was occupied with mother.

"I am good, tired, but good. You like the school?" She asked, I nodded.

"Are you getting good marks?" She asked, Ron had spotted us and was heading over.

"Mostly, they're not perfect but I'm passing." I nodded, she heldy fave with her hand.

"So big." She smiled, before looking up at Ron.

Rons pov

"This is Ron, this is my Gran." Y/n pointed between us. Her gran was tall, a few inches short of me, her hair was curly and long, she had an orange dress on with little red flowers on the cuffs.

"Hello, son, How is you?" She asked, I frowned slightly her accent didn't make much sense.

"I'm doing great, thanks, you?" I asked awkwardly, y/n held in laugh.

Luckily people began to sit down before she responded. She turned away looking around.

"Finally, I need the food." She grinned sitting down on one side of y/n. I sat on the other.

"Where's she from?" I whispered to
y/n trying to figure out the accent.

"She's french, but she moved to Italy for ten years when she was thirteen, England for seventeen after she had my mum, back to Italy for a year, France for four, Madagascar for a year and nkw Wales, I thing it's been just over ten years in Wales, now." Y/n counted on her fingers as she listed the country's.

"That's why her accent's a mess." She smiled, a man at the head of the table tapped on his glass.


I updated, you're welcome.

Now I have a physics test coming up  on Wednesday, so I need to study. I probably won't post till after then.

Anyways, lidl six pack of sausage rolls are what make me happy.

Bye my loves.

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