The Hobbit

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"Good morning, and a merry Christmas to you all." Ginny grinned as I put my dressing gown on.

"Merry Christmas." Hermione said whilst yawning.

"I'm going to go and wake up mum and dad." Ginny skipped out the room.

"I know you're going to kill me, maybe, but happy birthday." Hermione reached under her pillow and pulled out a package. Sighing, but holding back a smile, I took the present.

"Feels like a book." I let the smile escape, lifting the edge of the wrapped gift.

"Just tare it." She prompted.

"My first proper birthday present, will be opened carefully." I unwrapped the book keeping the paper intact.

"The Hobbit. Huh." I ran my finger down the spine as I read the back of the book.

"Written by a muggle. It's quite ironic that thing like this exist and the muggles write about them like it's completely out of the question." Hermione told me, crossing her legs.

"Not even one present?" She asked after a moment, as I traced the dragon on the cover.

"Couldn't afford birthday presents, especially not at Christmas time. Didn't celebrate my birthday or my mum's." I smiled remembering the hopeless Christmas's we would have. We would take the ugliest tree in the woods and decorate it with baubles made from tin foil. Christmas dinner was chicken korma and rice. It was quite pathetic, but it was the best time of year.

"What about when your dad was around?" She asked, making me look up at her. Normally people avoided the topic.

"I don't remember much about it, I think I blocked most of it from my memory. Just the good stuff is left." I tapped my head, looking back at the book.

"Thank you, Hermione." I nodded, the door burst open. An excited Ginny bounced around the room.

"Come on, it's Christmas!" She pulled us up from our places and all the way down stairs.


Hey! I'm kind of dancing around the Christmas chapter rn. I just want to make it really good. So if I'm gone for a few days, don't be alarmed.

Also, I said dressing gown in this chapter. If I have anyone telling me it is a house coat, I'll, I'll, um, I'll fight you... Verbally. (Yes that was a Neville reference)

Okay bye!

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