took him forever

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"...and of course, cake." Ron placed my Christmas present on the coffee table. It was lopsided, tilting off to one side and the icing was uneven and had bald spots.

"That's gorgeous, a true master piece." I nodded, he kissed me on the cheek.

"Are you going to eat it?" Ginny leaned in, staring at the cake in disgust.

"It should be edible, I mean I supervised and he did almost everything right." Hermione said doubtfully.

"If I loose a tooth or die, I let you know before he cuts you a slice." I leant back in the chair as Ron's arm found its way around my waist.

"Is that all the presents?" Fred asked looking around the room. Harry kicked a pile of wrapping paper, checking for presents underneath.

"Ouch!" Harry held his foot as he kicked, what was presumably not wrapping paper.

"Oh, that'll be mine for Ron." I picked it up from the ground. Harry scowled at the wrapped box.

Ron tore it open barley waiting for me to put it in his lap. The excitement in his face was undeniable as his eyes widened at his gift.

"Chudley Cannons Chess!" He muttered, grinning as he opened the box. Pulling out different pieces, each of them moving around.

"Also, bonus present from both y/n and I." Harry began, confusing everyone in the room.

"I taught her to play." He nodded hands on his hips.

"He did, took him forever as well." George agreed.

"Well, you did your best anyway. I'm still shit." I nodded.

"This is great." Ron smiled again, pulling me closer.

"Thanks for spending three hours teaching my stupid girlfriend what a bloody pawn is, Harry." Harry muttered sarcastically, making us all laugh.


It's short but it's been a while so enjoy it, new chapters soon also message me of you have any ideas I'm at a complete writers block.

Also go to bed, I know you're probably not reading this at a reasonable hour


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