when do they run

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The orange glow filled the room, spilling over the rooftops around us. We gathered at the window staring at the burning light.

"Glad you woke me up." I said to Ron, who was stood beside me, arm around my shoulders. Harry and Ginny nodded in agreement.

"Wait a minute..." Ron leaned closer to the window.

"That's George and Fred." He pointed to two figures that were jogging down the street. The look on his face was, hard to figure out. It was a mixture of confusion and anger.

"So?" Harry and I looked at each other confused by the aggression. Ginny scoffed.

"Since when do they run?" Both Ginny and Ron stared at their brothers.

"Well they are in the quidditch team, they'll need to keep fit somehow." Harry said, a perfectly reasonable explanation.

"I've never seen them run in my life." Ginny put her hands on her hips.

"Guys they're on a run." I said slowly, missing the point of their confusion.

"Are they okay?" Ginny leaned even closer to the window.

"I'm going to go find out what this is about." Ron shook his head in confusion as he left the room, Ginny following after.

"See the thing is, I love the Weasley's but they are so chaotic." Harry rolled his eyes. I fell onto Ron's bed and got under the covers, too early for this.

"Are they seriously arguing?" Harry asked as muffled voices came from downstairs.

"Molly will be up soon, she can sort them out." I muttered tiredly. Harry chuckled as I heard him get into his own bed across the room.


"What was all the commotion earlier?" Sirius asked as he came into the kitchen for breakfast.

"The twins are loving a double life." Ginny spat in the direction of her brothers.

"Right." Sirius nodded, clearly not curious enough to enquire further.

Kreacher came into the room, a stack of towels in hand. He glared at everyone of us muttering as he did.

"Watch what you say Kreacher, she's armed." Sirius muttered, the him pointing at the fork in my hand.

"Yes master." He croaked, leaving the room again.

"Any plans for today?" Arthur came in a smile on his face.

"Y/n and I are going shopping." Ginny's voice spoke up.

"Are we? News to me." I sat up and the sound of my name.

"Yes, I need Christmas presents and I couldn't stand going with any of this lot." Ginny laughed, throwing a crumb at Fred.


Um, so I wrote the first half of this in class, Physics. Oh, and I'll post again tomorrow.

Also, thank you all so much for ten thousand reads. That's so may reads wtf.

Enjoy your weekend
Bye 8 )

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