It's outrageous

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"Pardon me Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" A shrill voice argued from outside of the hall. We all stood from our seats and headed out to the hall to see Umbridge and McGonagall heading up the steps.

"I'm merely requesting that when it comes to my students you can form to the prescribed disciplinary preference." McGonagall replied firmly.

"So silly of me but it sounds like you're questioning my authority inside of my own classroom, Minerva." Umbridge took a step up, so that she was taller than McGonagall. Clear that she was trying to assert her authority to the gathering group of students.

"Not at all Delores. Merely your medieval methods." McGonagall snapped back, taking another step up.

"I am sorry dear, but to question my practice is the question the ministry and the extension the minister himself. I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty."

"Disloyalty." McGonagall muttered, stepping down and looking up at Umbridge who climbed even higher on the stairs.

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared, Cornelius will want to take immediate action." Umbridge addressed the crowd, before turning swiftly and heading through the corridor.

"That's a crazy lady right there." Ron muttered, his mouth still full.

"This isn't good." Hermione made a worried face at me as we headed back to breakfast.


"What the bloody hell is a high inquisitor?" Ron asked slumping down on the couch beside me, his arm resting on my shoulders.

"It's where someone smokes loads of weed and then asks you questions." I muttered to Lee who chuckled.

"She's pretty much in charge." Hermione told us all.

"Have you seen the amount of rules she's made already, she's only been 'high inquisitor' for a week?" Fred joined in.

"We'll never get away with anything now." George rolled his eyes.

"It's outrageous." Hermione began to get frustrated. I watched Fred smile slightly at her rage.

"Banned our products!" George said joining Hermione in her furious enthusiasm.

"How are we supposed to promote our future shop if we can't even use our things?" Fred pretended to be angry, but I could tell he was just making fun of them.

"Rules have never stopped you two before." Lee encouraged. The twins nodded simultaneously leaning back in their chair.

"It's outrageous." Hermione muttered.

"You already said that." I said, she frowned at me shaking her head in confusion.

"We can't change the rules. Not with that bitch in charge. Just take a minute to scream into your pillow and it'll all be okay." Lee said calmly, Hermione glared at him.

"It's just-" she began.

"Outrageous." We all agreed.


"Y/n, what's going on?" Hermione asked me, pulling me towards the crowd.

"How would I know? I've been with you for the last half hour." I asked as we arrived at the front of the group. Trelawney was stood in tears with her suitcase behind her. Umbridge emerge from the crowd heading towards the trembling professor.

"S-s-sixteen years I've lived here, taught here. Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this." She cried into her shaking hands.

"Actually, I can." Umbridge held up a sheet of parchment. Ron appeared beside me his arm over my shoulders watching the scene.

McGonagall hurried over to Trelawney holding her tightly. Umbridge looked her up and down in disgust.

"Is there something you would like to say?" Umbridge asked, her high voice ringing in my ears.

"Oh there are several things I would like to say." McGonagall snapped. Suddenly tye doors flew open and Dumbledore strolled in.

"Professor McGonagall may I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" The hysterical teacher headlined towards the doors clutching onto McGonagall.

"Dumbledore remind you that under the influence of educational decree number twenty three as enacted by the minister-"

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers. you do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds that remains with the headmaster." Dumbledore said blandly.

"For now." Umbridge replied a sickly sweet grin on her face.

"Don't you all have studying to do?" Dumbledore headed back towards the doors he came from in the crowds began to filter out. I watched as Harry ran against the crowds and towards Dumbledore.

Ron, Harry and I gathered in the common room watching as Hermione ranted, pacing back and forth.

"That foul, evil, old gargoyle. We're not learning how to defend ourselves. We're not learning how to pass out OWL's. She's taking over the entire school." She stopped as Harry turned the radio up.

'further more, we have convincing evidencethat these disappearances are the work of notorious mass murderer Sirius Black.'

"Harry!" A voice shouted from behind us making me spin around in my seat. Sirius' face was in the coals of the fire.

"Sirius! What are you doing here?" Harry asked the man. We all stood behind him awkwardly.

"Answering your letter. You said you were worried about Umbridge, what's she doing? training you to dislike half breeds?" He asked.

"Sirius, she's not letting us use magic at all." Harry complained.

"Well I'm not surprised. latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat." Sirius replied, I felt his eyes land on me. I think my mum must have told him about both my muggle training and wizard training in combat.

"Combat? What does he think, we're forming some sort of wizard army?" Ron asked him.

"That's exactly what he thinks. That Delores is assembling his own forces to take on the ministry. He's becoming more paranoid by the minute. The others wouldn't want me telling you this, harry... But things aren't going at all well with the Order. Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn and these disappearances are just how it started before. Voldemort is on the move." Sirius warned us.

"Well what can we do?" Harry asked his godfather.

"Someone's coming. I'm sorry I can't be of more help but, for now at least, it looks like you're on your own." Sirius' face disappeared with the flames.

I sat down on the couch watching as Hermione stared out the window and into the pouring rain. The boys stood behind her.

"He really is out there, isn't he? We've got to be able to defend ourselves. And if Umbridge refuses to teach us how, we need someone who will." She said firmly, turning back to look straight at Harry.


It's time for the exciting stuff to commence! As always thanks for reading!

Get some sleep.

A x

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