don't bleed out

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"And Harry catches the snitch, ending the game! That's 40 points to team Harry and 50 to team y/n! Three goals scored by y/n and two from Ginny! Angelina scored one goal and Harry caught the snitch! Y/n's team wins!" Lee screamed into his megaphone. We all flew to the ground congratulating each other.

"You play very good." Krum told me as I approached Hermione.

"Thank you." I said nodding at him.

"You're very welcome." He nodded back.

"Did you talk to Ron?" Hermione asked me from beside Krum.

"Maybe." I said.

"That's not an answer." She said.

"Yes it is. It's validation, however, is something to be tampered with." I corrected her as I walked across the field and into the changing rooms.

Lee was waiting for me as I came out.
"Play next year." He said.

"I don't know, I have OWL's next year, it could get in the way." I replied, Ron appeared beside me.

"You are playing next year." He told me, nodding to Lee who seemed happy to have someone backing him.

"Am I really?" I asked him, slightly threateningly.

"Well, we remembered you being good but never that good. Please play, I doubt you would have to worry about trying out." He tried to persuade me.

"I said that I didn't know, that means I'll think about it until I do know, okay?" I said, patting both boys on the back.

"Fine." The both said, nobody wins arguments against me and they knew it.

Just at the bottom of the moving stairs Ron made me wait for him to tie his laces. The group that was walking behind us were now on the stairs that were shifting away from us and into place infront of the portrait. Now Ron and I had to wait for a new set of stairs to align themselves infront of us.

"Your hair is mental." Ron said, gesturing at my hair that had been messed up from the wind.

"Yours is hardly better." I said, standing on my toes to smooth out his disheveled ginger hair. I heard the stairs line up behind me but I kept trying to flatten Ron's hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist and carried me up the stairs.

He stopped halfway and put me down as the stairs began to shift into place. I laughed lightly as I spiked his hair into a mohawk.

"It's an improvement." I said giggling. He chuckled bending down and heaving me over his shoulder. I hit his back, begging him to put me down. As he walked into the common room, he threw me off his shoulder and onto the couch.

"Rule number three goes for public places too." Fred told Ron as he did this.


"I reckon I could beat you in an arm wrestle, Harry." I said, trying to break the silence in the common room. Harry's ears pricked up and a smile spread across his face.

"Doubt it." He told me. We sat on the floor at opposite ends of the table. A small crowd had formed around us. We out our elbows on the table and our free hand behind our back.

"On your marks, get set, go!" Lee announced. I pushed my arm against Harry, he gave a surprising amount of force back, but I knew I could win. I gave a little laugh as I pushed his hand against the table, with ease. George sighed and handed fred 5 sickles.

"Well, that's what you get for being stupid. She could probably eat us if she wanted to." Ron said to George.

"I just thought that maybe Harry would get lucky, or something like that." George replied

"Rude." Harry said, crossing his arms.


"G'night!" Ron said, slapping his thighs as he stood up.

"Don't let the spiders bite." I said, smiling. Ron went pale and looked between Fred and George.

"I swear, if you two put spiders in my bed I will feed you to a dragon." He said, pointing a finger at the twins. In reply, the put their hands up like the were surrendering.

"Right." He said, walking slowly out the common room.

"So..." Fred said slowly sliding into the couch beside me.

"Y/n..." Lee said with the same menacing tone, sitting on the other side of me.

"Ronald..." George said, sitting on the table infront of me.

"Yes?" I asked them.

"Well, erm, why?" Fred asked.

"Well, erm, why not?" I mimicked.

"There's lots of reasons why not." George said beside me.

"Like me, I'm the reason why not." Lee said, making kissing noises in my ear.

"I'm wondering when the joke ends?" I said to Lee.

"It's not a joke, I'm madly in love!" He exaggerated, blowing me a kiss.

"No, mate. Just mad." Fred told him.

All three of them looked at me expecting an answer.

"I'm going to bed, don't die." I said standing up.

"Don't die? What's that supposed to mean?" Fred said, jumping up behind me.

"Keep breathing, don't bleed out." I shrugged, waving goodnight.


Um, thanks for the three people still reading.
I hope you're liking it.
I'm going to try and write a bunch of chapters at once, so that I can upload every day.

Be nice to each other, stay safe and eat something for me.
Lots of love, from,
A x

Oh also happy Chanukah and Christmas

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