Make Ron cry

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"Y/n, y/n wake up. It's the first task!" Ginny shook me awake, violently.

"Ginny, what have you been up to? I swear, I haven't spoken to you in days!" I said, sitting up.

"That hardly matters just now, does it?" She replied, going a bit red.

"Just as long as you don't go opening any more chambers, do you hear me? We're going to have enough chaos, without having to fight off a fat snake." I said, swinging my feet over the edge of my bed.

"It was one time." Ginny laughed, rolling her eyes.

"It better have been." I tutted, pulling a pair of jeans from my cupboard.

The jeans had a small red dragon that my mum had embroidered into the back pocket.
"Very suitable, I think." Hermione said, walking out the bathroom, winking at me.


We met Ron in the common room, he was as pale as Moaning Myrtle. I didn't say anything about it though. Neville offered him a scone, that his grandmother had sent him. He took it, but hardly nibbled on the edge.

"I think I'll meet you guys there, I'm going to go and see if I can talk to Harry." Hermione whispered in my ear. I gave her a nod and sat down on the couch with Ron.

"I like this." Ron said, pulling the long braid I had going down my back.

"Eat your scone." I said, pushing the scone in his hand towards his mouth. He laughed a little.


We left the common room, around the same time as everyone else. The twins were walking against the crowds, taking bets. Ginny shouted at them, telling them they were insensitive.

"Ten percent." I said, eyeing the suitcase George was holding.

"Now, why would we do that?" Fred asked, putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Well, I'm sure McGonagall would love to hear about your little business venture." I shrugged.

"You wouldn't." George gasped theatrically.

"Oh but, she would." Ron said from beside me.

"It's a tough one, George." Said Fred.

"It is indeed." Said George. They stared at each other for a second.

"Deal." Fred said, reaching out to shake my hand before wandering back into the sea of students.

"You are something else, you know. I've lived with them my whole life and you and Ginny are the only people that can reckon with them." Ron told me as we sat down.

"What can I do?" Ginny asked from behind us, shouting to be heard over the buzz of excited students

"You can make Ron cry" I shouted back, taking advantage of the fact she didn't hear the rest of the conversation. She nodded her head in agreement.

"I hate you." Ron muttered in my ear.

"No you don't, Ronald. I would've thought you would start being nicer to your friends. Especially as Harry is about to go face to face with a dragon." Hermione exclaimed appearing behind me. Ron went red and turned towards the arena.

"Hush about the dragons, we don't know yet, remember." I whisper-shouted in her ear.
She shrunk back a bit as the music started and the students died down.


The dragon broke free from the chains and flew ungracefully towards Harry.
"WELL DONE, DRAGON!" Fred shouted over the railings. I stifled a laugh. I knew Harry would be okay, I believed in him. But if I laughed and Hermione heard, I might not live to tell the tale.

A few minutes went by, Hermione biting her lips. We had lost sight of Harry and the dragon, now it was a waiting game.

"Shit, I've messed it up now. I have." Ron muttered beside me, as he slumped his head into his hands.

"He'll be fine Ronnie, you better apologize after this." I said, rubbing his arm. He nodded in reply, but seemed put off.

Suddenly a loud cheer erupted all around me. I looked up from Ron and saw Harry circling the ring with a golden egg in his hands. A smile spread across Ron's face as he got up and started cheering with everyone else.


On the walk back Ron wore a small smile on his face.
"Did you manage to speak to Harry, before?" I asked Hermione.

"Mhm, Rita Skeeter took a picture of us hugging, I wouldn't be surprised if all sorts of lies come out." She replied, shrugging.

"I'm hungry." Ron announced. That's when I noticed his arm had been around my shoulders the entire time.
"Me too." I said, ignoring his arm.

We climbed the stairs, Hermione infront of me and Ron behind, stopping to let them shift into place. I turned to face Ron, realizing that even on the step above him, he was taller than me.

"You'd better apologize. It's now or never, Ronnie. And if you choose never, I'll feed you to Buckbeak." I told him.

"Right, guess I'm choosing now." He said, following Hermione into the common room full of cheering students.

"Erm, Harry, can we talk?" Ron asked Harry, shifting from foot to foot.

"Right you lot, back to your knitting. This will be awkward enough without you lot listening!" George shouted.

The twins sat on the couch, either side of me.
"What's he saying, y/n?" They asked me.

"How should I know?" I asked them, curiously as I crossed my legs on the couch.

"You seem to be the only one with the ability to stand Ron long enough to have a conversation with him." Fred told me.

"That's what got us into this mess." I shrugged, sucking air in through my teeth.


"Try this." Fred said, thrusting a bottle towards me.

"What does it do?" I said, sniffing the bottle.

"It should make you tweet like a bird with the first sip, then with the second sip you'll stop." George told me

"Did you guys make it?" I asked, before taking the first sip.

"Yes, now try speaking." George said eagerly. I raised my eyebrow.

"Why do I do these things? I should listen to the advice I gave Lee." I said but it came out in a series of bird whistles. Grins spread over the twins' faces. I took another sip.

"One day, one of your products will put me in the hospital wing. Not that I'm complaining I could do with a few days off school." I said, this time in my usual voice.

"Did I hear a bird?" Ron asked, walking towards the couch, Harry close behind him.

"Don't know what you talking about." Fred and George said, walking away.

"Well done, Harry. Told you you could do it." I said.

"You also threatened to feed me to the dragons." He said.

"I don't recall that part of the conversation." I said, scratching my head.

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