a lion?

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"Filch is sat outside." George grimaced. We were in a DA meeting.

"Filch has been outside of a lot of our DA meetings." Luna said. Confused looks were shot at Luna.

"It's not my fault you aren't observant." She shrugged at Fred.

"Preach," I said a bit louder than intended and a ripple of laughter went around the room.

"We can take care of this." The twins said simultaneously.

"Right then, it's up to you." Harry nodded. Everyone went back to practising their Patronus charms.

"Y/n, I haven't seen your Patronus." He reached a hand out pulling me up from my place on the floor. I sighed taking my wand out of my pocket.

"Expecto Patronum!" A blue light escaped from my wand and created the form of a lion. It circled around me before disappearing like smoke.

"A lion?" Ron stood there, a bizarre look on his face.

"Well hows that fair, all I get is a puny little dog." he rolled his eyes, making me laugh.

"Grow a pair!" George shouted across the room to him, more laughs could be heard.

"You first!" He shouted back.

"I have detention." I pulled my bag up from the ground, sighing as I did so.

"Don't get caught by Filch," Luna called after me.

Surprisingly, Filch wasn't outside of the Room of Requirement. I dragged my feet along the cold corridors, already bored of detention. As I approached the steps leading up to Umbridge's office Filch walked out, grumbling about something or another. When he saw me, he looked as though he was accusing me of something with his eye's. Never the less, he stood aside and let me passed.

"Ah, Y/n. Perfectly on time." Umbridge said as she lay the quill on the table along with the dreaded quill.

"Yes, your 'oh so perfect' punishment techniques are working a treat. Slice open my hand and, hey presto, obedience." I muttered. Luckily she didn't hear, she was stirring her tea aggressively, the spoon hitting off the edges of the cup.

"Same lines as yesterday?" I asked her, she nodded aggressively, giggling all the while.

I wrote for hours the pain in my hand was more painful that yesterday, and Umbridge knew it. She kept giggling as I wrote and offered me tea at lest twice.

"Don't fret, I have returned," I sighed sitting down beside Ron. He immediately took my hand, staring at the scab that had been re-opened by today's lines. I took Neville's healing potion out of my robe pocket.

"We're going to feed Filch something from the skiving snack boxes." George told us all.

"A prank, well there's a surprise." Ron rolled his eyes.

"I know, I'm so surprised I might have a heart attack," Ginny added.

"And die." Harry nodded without looking up.

"I think its a great plan." Lee crossed his arms over his chest.

"It's better than anyone else has." Hermione agreed.

"Well of course it is, we came up with it." The twins said together.

Ron nudged me the pointed subtlety over to Umbriege who was staring at harry so hard she might as well of been burning holes in his head.

"A secret admirer." I whispered, before Ron told Harry.


"Have you seen Malfoy's lot?" Lee asked us as he sat down in the common room.

"What about them?" Hermione asked, closing the book she was reading. I was sat on floor my head eating on Ron's knees ad I studied.

"Wearing badges, like Umbridge's own little... Policemen?" Lee thought for a minute before nodding certainly.

"How paranoid can one person be?" Ron asked.

"Well, she's not wrong." Harry ran his hand through his hair. I noticed Ginny staring at him.

"Filch is in on it to." Lee added.

"I know this is a school of magic, and all, but security cameras exist." I said, Hermione and Harry smirked.

"Don't give her ideas at tomorrow's detention." Hermione smiled.

"Or you could..." Lee started, leaning forward with his chin on his hands.

"Just give her the wrong ideas." He shrugged.


This chapter was quite short, apologies. I will update again sometime within the next two days.

I was also going through the demographics for this and over 5% of my readers were over the age of 45. Is wattpad common amongst the parents?

Anyway, drink some water

K, bye.

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