I've got some super glue

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"Please Hermione, I am sorry. I don't understand why you're so annoyed with me." I said following Hermione around the room as she got ready. She ignored me, pointing her nose in the air. I looked to Ginny for help, but she just shrugged her shoulders.

I gave up after about five minutes and just got ready. I brushed my hair quickly and practically ran to breakfast.

"Here she is, now." I heard Harry say, nudging Hermione as I walked into the dining hall. She picked up her book and walked past me barging into me with her shoulder as she walked past. Ron grabbed my hand and hauled me to the table, knowing my short temper was about to get the better of me.

"Let's keep our hand to ourselves, eh?" Fred laughed as I sat at the table.

"Crazy bitch, won't even explain what I did wrong. I've apologized for telling Ron, but I don't quite think that's it." I said to Fred and George.

"What did you tell Ron?" They asked me.

"Well, if I told you I'd probably lose a finger or something." I shrugged.

Harry kicked me under the table. I looked at him, a confused gaze on my face.

"Just let her cool down, she'll talk to you later, won't she Ron?" Harry told me. Ron shrugged, his mouth full.

"When did you get smart?" I asked Harry. He gave me a sarcastic smile.

"I don't understand girls, so dramatic" George said.

"That's what y/n said, she's the only reasonable one out of the lot." Ron told him.

"Oooo, sounds like crappy flirting to me." Fred said, nudging me.


"Do you still want to be a prefect?" I asked Ron as we walked to potions.

"You remember that?" He asked.

"I'm not stupid." I shrugged.

"Well, my mum thinks that Percy was the last Weasley prefect." Ron

"She probably just forgot that you wanted to be one." I said, rubbing his back.

"Doubt it, when I was six it was my birthday wish, I didn't shut up about it after that." He gave a little chuckle.

"When I was six, my birthday wish was to turn into a robin." I said, laughing.

"Never say never." He replied, putting an arm around my waist as we walked.

Smooth Weasley.


I sat on my bed reading a letter from my mum. She had just gotten back from Wales where she was visiting my Gran. I smiled as I read her neat scribbles, when there was a knock at the door. Hermione cleared her throat.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked sitting on the bed next to me. I shrugged.

"I'm not sure why I was so annoyed. I guess I thought Ron would be too judgemental or something. I'm sorry for ignoring you." She said hopefully.

"I'm sorry too." I said, though I'm not quite sure what I'm sorry for. Hermione pulled me in to a suffocating hug. I sat there sort of rigid in her embrace.

"Let's go to dinner." She said, letting me go.

I followed her down the stairs and into the common room. Harry stood up when he saw us, I saw Hermione give him a little thumbs up.

"Where's Ron?" I asked him.

"Couldn't wait for you, he was too hungry." Harry said rolling his eyes. I walked quickly to the great hall.

"We've got something to show you all." Fred and George whispered as I sat down.

"Will it kill us?" I asked.

"Most definitely not." Fred told me.

"Shame, what is it?" I replied.

"Something cool." George said.

"Very cool." Fred nodded.

"Sorry are we going to brush past the part where she said 'shame' after asking if it could kill us!?!?" Ron exclaimed from beside me. The twins and I looked thoughtful for a minute, then nodded simultaneously.

"Nutcase." Ron muttered.

"Show us then." Ron said, licking his plate clean.

"Fine, but be quiet." George said. Ron motioned across his lips like he was pulling an imaginary zip.

"Let's go then." Fred and George said, leading Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and I out the room.

We turned a corner and the twins pointed to the kitchens.
"The house elves let us in if we're nice to them, and they won't tell Dumbledore." Fred said.

"Also cake, all the time. Just ask and they will give it to you." George said alluringly to Ron and I.

"Sounds good to me." I said. The group nodded in agreement.

"Right, we'll see you at midnight. Lee's coming too. But no more than ten people can know-" George started.

"-wouldn't want it too crowded, would we?" Fred finished.


I sat in the common room, it was just Ron and Ginny with me. It was around half ten and everyone else had gone to bed.
"Have you got a date to the ball yet, gin?" Ron asked, a threatening tone to his voice. I felt him go tense in the arm chair beside me, we often sat like that now.
"Oh, I'm just going with Neville." She replied, looking at the fire. Ron relaxed beside me.

"Who are you going with?" She asked, slightly accusingly.

"Y/n." He said, flicking my ear.

"Twat." I said, hitting him over the head.

"I'm going to bed, before I'm caught at a murder scene." She muttered, standing up. But just before she left she added a humorus little.


"What are you wearing to the ball?" He asked with genuine interest.

"I dunno. Something fancy." I shrugged.

"I just can't picture you in a prissy little ball gown." He said pulling me slightly closer, so that I was now almost on his lap.

"What can you picture me in then?" I said quietly, staring into his icy eyes. He pulled me even closer, now I was on his lap. He took my chin in his hand and kissed me. His hand that was on my waist, going lower and lower. I kissed him back, his soft lips pressing against my own. I wrapped my hands around his neck, one of them grasping at his hair.

"Y/n, you-" Lee's voice said. Ron jumped and looked over my head. I turned slowly to see the twins and Lee, hands on their hips and shaking they're heads. I bit my cheeks, holding in a laugh.

"What are you doing?" Ron asked furiously.

"What are we doing?!?!" The twins asked in unison. I began to shake as the laugh I was holding in got the better of me.

"You're laughing? This is a crisis y/n! We need to take you to Pomfrey's, you must have hit your head." George said theatrically.

"Shut up." I said, hitting him on the arm, but still laughing. I turned back to face Ron, he was bright red and looked furious at the group of boys, that were stood before him.

"My heart." Lee said clutching the right side of his chest and wiping a fake tear away. Fred reached over and moved his hand to the left side and nodded at him to continue.

"How I will ever piece it together again, is beyond me." He said dramatically.

"I've got some super glue in my dorm if you like." Ron muttered behind me, relaxing a little.

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