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"She likes purple." Malcom pointed to a gold ring with a purple jewel on it.

"It's pretty but all her jewelry is silver." I reminded him, staring at the rows of rings, none of them quite right.

"Can I help you?" A young witch came from a back room to see us in her shop.

"We're looking for an engagement ring." Malcom sighed, bending down and squinting at all the jewelery.

"Anything specific?" She asked me.

"Preferably a silver band, and nothing to flashy. Just a nice simple silver ring." I stared at all of the rings I just described, I wasn't very specific.

"If it has one the diamond should probably be low set, all her other rings are low set." He said to me, I looked back at him smiling slightly. He had gone through all her rings to find out what she liked. Hell, I don't even know what low set means.

"What's her name?" The witch asked, I wondered if she was being polite or if this could actually help with the ring choosing process.

"Lillian." Malcom paused a moment before his face lit up.

"Lilly! Do you have any rigs with a little Lilly on it?" The witch grinned at him, clearly she enjoyed her job.

"I can have a look." She nodded, turning away to go back through the store room.

"I like this one." I pointed to a silver ring with a diamond in the center and an emerald on either side.

"That is nice." Malcom agreed, leaning over. I noticed a poster in the shop demonstrating how to measure ring size.

"Do you have her ring size?" I asked nodding at the poster. He chuckled.

"52. It took me three attempts to measure her finger in her sleep, she kept waking up." He nodded.

"She's a light sleeper, makes it difficult when you're trying to sneak out to feed the neighbors cat at four in the morning." I laughed remembering all the times when I was younger, I would steal ham from the fridge and leave it on the door step.

"Here you go, a Lilly." She place the open ring box on the glass casing in front of her.

"That's perfect." Malcom whispered as he stared at the ring. The smallest silver lilly had an even smaller diamond in the middle of it.

"Now it is white gold, not silver but nobody would be able to tell. We also only carry this ring in the sizes 52 and 56." She told us a hopeful look on her face.

"That's perfect, she's a size 52." Malcom grinned, the witch shared the same happy look.

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