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Y/n's pov

I looked up at the sky where grey clouds had formed. Ron's gaze followed my own.

"Rains the best, y'know?" He looked back at me as I nodded in agreement. We walked past the small stone house at the edge of the forbidden forest.

"Still nothing from Hagrid?" I asked him. I thought Hagrid was great but Ron knew him much better and was missing him a lot more than I was.

"Nothing, Hermione says he'll probably be back after the holidays but I think it's just wishful thinking." He sighed. Little droplets of rain began to fall from the sky. I felt Ron reach for my hand as he pulled me to the ground.

"Lie down." He patted the grass beside him. I lay down on the hill staring up at the weeping sky.

"You know when you're at the beach and you're standing still right on the edge of the water, but it feels like you're moving. That's what I feel like right now." I said watching at the grey sky spun around me.

"Mmh." I heard him agree beside me. I turned to face him. He was looking straight at me. The rain begin to fall harder now and the sky was darkening.

"Come up to the astronomy tower at ten, tonight." Ron reached out and brushed the damp hair from the side of my face. Instead if answering I leaned forward kissing him gently as he brought his hand to cup my cheek..

"This is bad timing." A voice muttered from further up the hill.

"Every bloody time." Ron muttered under his breath. As Hermione and Harry walked down the hill towards us.

"What?" Ron asked a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"You both missed dinner, we got worried." Hermione replied the same tone.

"I've never missed a meal in my life." Ron shook his head looking at his watch.

"Seems they've had plenty." Harry said behind her. I stifled a laugh earning me a disapproving look from Ron.

"We saved you both some." Hermione rolled her eyes giggling at Harry's remark.

"Thanks." Ron muttered to Hermione helping me up.


I climbed out of my bed as quietly as I could. As I was putting on my dressing gown I heard a cough.

"Where're you going?" I heard Hermione ask.

"Oh my God! You're meeting up with Ron. That's so sweet!" She realized before I could answer.

"Sweet?" I laughed, Ron and I's relationship wasn't what I would describe as sweet.

"Yes, don't worry I won't tell. Just don't let Umbridge catch you." I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Why would I let her cath me?" I smiled into the dark room before closing the door behind me.

Walking through the cold, stone hallways of the school was rather creepy, alone at night. As I turned to the astronomy tower I began to regret the decision of wearing shorts to bed.

"Y/n?" I heard Ron call down the stairs.

"It's me." I confirmed.

"Close your eyes." He called.

"I'm climbing the bloody stairs!" I shouted back, but I closed my eyes anyway. Feeling the cold air hit me I sensed I was at the top.

"Can I look?" I asked.

"Not yet." I felt his hands cover my eyes. He guided me to the right place before pulling his hands away.

A picnic blanket was laid on the floor a basket in the middle. A few candles were lit giving the tower an eerie glow.

"D'you like it?" Ron asleep beside me scratching the back of his neck. I took his hand and pulled him towards me placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

"No, I hate it." I said smiling and sitting down on the blanket.

"Absolutely despise it." I patted the blanket next to me signalling for him to sit down.

"Seriously though, I did alright?" Ron asked sitting down.

"It's perfect." I smiled and kissed him again.

"Why though?" I asked staring into the darkness of the world below me.

"Well, because I love you." He smiled opening the picnic basket.

"Now, there's no actual food in here but I got something you will like." He pulled a Beetle's record from the basket. He then reached behind him and pulled the record player from nowhere.

"How didn't I see that?" I asked as he fiddled with the record.

"Harry lent me the invisibility cloak for the night." Ron picked up a brown cloak that hadn't been there before.

A steady beat began to play quietly and Ron stood up. Reaching his hand out smiling.

"This dance, m'lady?" He said with a posh accent. Rolling my eyes I stood up.

"Blackbird fly,"Ron sang along quietly as he held my hand and my waist spinning me around the tower.

Thunder drowned out the music as it started to rain, but we danced on laughing as we were drenched in the rain.


I got my first unnecessary hate on this story, I'm officially famous. Don't talk to me.

I'll upload on Sunday, enjoy your evening or morning or afternoon.
Until next time,

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