where's Fred

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Ron's pov

"She is absolutely out of order!" Hermione complained as she stormed into the kitchenn room, y/n following her.

"What's she done now Granger?" Fred asked, as he slid over on the couch making room. Hermione hesitated before sighing and sitting down next to him.

"She, has left half off our lessons out of this term and probably this year's curriculum." Hermione explained, annoyed. Y/n frowned, sitting on the coffee table and pulling in a hangnail.

"We already knew that she did that." George said confused. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"It's still annoying me." She muttered something about water before disappearing into the kitchen.

"You know you're not supposed to sit on the table." George said to y/n.

"We don't have a table at home." She shrugged leaning back on her hands.

"What?" Fred asked surprised.

"We don't have a table at home, we eat on the couch." She smiled.

"Let's teach you, this is a chair you sit on it. That's a table, you put things on it." I explained sarcastically. She grinned, standing up.

"I'll be back in a second." She smiled heading towards the kitchen, where Hermione had just emerged with a glass of water. A few seconds later she was back holding a butter knife in her hand.

"No! You are not throwing a blade around." Hermione said standing infront of her.

"I wasn't going to, plus I'd hardly count this as a blade. Too blunt." She smirked walking around Hermione.

"What're you going to do with that?" I asked as she sat infront of the table. She just smiled in response, turning the table upside down.

"I noticed last week, there's initials carved underneath the table." She said running her hands across some letters.

"SB, JP, RL and PP." She looked at Harry who was sitting silently in the corner. He smiled back at her. I'm not sure when, but they had made up for their argument last week.

"Sorry, are we missing something?" I asked them.

"Sirius, James and Remus." Y/n smiled at me before using the knife to cross out the 'PP'.

"So why were you under the table in the first place?" Fred and George asked at the same time.

"Dropped a grape." She smiled as she carved her initials on the bottom of the table.

"Ron." She passed me the knife. I kneeled down beside her taking the small knife from her grasp. She got up from the floor and sat in my seat.

I carved 'RW' into the table, passing the knife to Fred. Y/n crossed her leg over the other, leaving just enough room on the arm chair for me. When I sat down she rested her head on my shoulder.

Y/n's pov

"Seamus is on his own!" Lee shouted running into the room. The twins and I jumped up, ready to test the first portable swamp.

"What are you up to?" Hermione asked, as Ron grabbed my hand in confusion.

"I'll be back in ten minutes, I'll explain then." I absent mindedly kissed Ron on the cheek making him go red, before following the three other boys out the room and into the kitchen.

"He's in the common room." Lee told us.

"Well he's hardly on his own then." George rolled his eyes.

"We can lure him out, somehow. The point is he isn't with any of his friends." Lee responded, running up the stairs.

"George, you and I will wait in the corridor. Lee, lookout. Y/n, get him out the common room." Fred instructed.

"Why do I have to be the lookout?" Lee whined as I walked through the portrait, leaving the bickering boys behind.

I scanned the room looking for Seamus. He was sat at a table reading the newspaper.

"Seriously, you're still reading that rubbish?" I sighed sitting down opposite him.

"You here to threaten me again?" He huffed.

"No, I think one threat is more effective. I'm actually here to ask you if you can help me with fire potions." I lied.

"Why would I do that?" He asked, staring at the paper in his hands.

"Because I'm friends with the Weasley twins, and you like sleeping with both eyes closed." I sat back in my chair, arms crossed.

"I can teach you a fire breathing spell. I'll get some books from the library, you go to Snape's and get powdered dragon horn." He sighed giving in. We both stood up heading towards the door.

"Just out of curiosity, why do you need to breathe fire?" He asked.

"Oxygen isn't good enough." I smiled as we turned our separate ways. I headed back towards the kitchen room, waiting for the twins and Lee to return with good news.

"Explain." Ron said almost as soon as I walked into the room. I glanced around and noticed Ginny was now here and was dragging the knife along the underside of the table, Harry was watching her intently.

"The twins have a new invention, Seamus was being a dick to Harry so I suggested that they tested it on him." I said sitting down next to Hermione.

"And where's Fred?" Hermione asked, before she saw the small smile on my face and added.

"And George and Lee?" She pressed her lips together, staring at her clasped hands.

"Fred will, sorry, they will all be here in a few minutes, my only job was to get Seamus out of the common room." I teased Hermione.

"Don't start getting involved with the twins, y/n. Seriously, we can have you getting expelled." Ron nudged my foot with his.

"One time thing." I reassured him nodding my head.

"He's covered in mud. So the swamp works, but we can't get rid of it." George smiled, as he was followed into the room by his brother and best friend.

"I just hope Mcgonagall finds it and not Umbridge." Fred grinned, jumping over the back of the couch to sit next to Hermione.


Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I've been a bit busy but it's the weekend so you can expect two or three chapters.

Drink some water, stay safe.

Thanks for reading, I love you all

A x

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